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"The challenges will never cease"

Marco Antonio Demonte is the Director of Thermo America Group in Panama, and the professional of the month of this edition.

By Duván Chaverra Agudelo

Marco Antonio Demonte Gamboa has been working in the industry for more than 30 years. Born in Puerto La Cruz, Anzoátegui (Venezuela), and of Italian-Venezuelan parents, he is a renowned professional who has been able to face the different projects he has led in the industry.

Its extensive experience in the sector, ten stores open throughout three countries (Venezuela, Panama, United States); recognition in sales by different manufacturers and firm position in continuing to develop added value to their distribution businesses; are reasons why Marco Antonio is the Professional of the Month representing the Central American and Caribbean market.

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He is currently the Director of Thermo America Group S.A. in Panama, and has worked throughout the course of his professional life within the companies of the family group: Distribuidora El Páramo (Venezuela) Thermo America Group LLC (Miami), and the last 5 years in Thermo America Group S.A. (Panama).

Your arrival in the industry
Marco Antonio's main inspiration is his father, as he was the manager of his path in the refrigeration industry, where he came to build several ice factories and came to own chain ice cream factories. It was in the 80s when his father decided to participate in the air conditioning and installation industry, where he reached the top sales positions nationwide.

"Finishing my high school studies and entering the air conditioning and installation industry was my first motivation to get to know the industry more and more every day. By being distributors of the main brands of air conditioners, such as Lennox, and through training in the industry they aroused an interest in me that remains to this day. Bringing valid and cutting-edge information to contractors arouses such interest that today we have a training center in Panama City for state-of-the-art technology, something that is so necessary today," said Marco.

Our guest also added that "without a doubt, having started the work of distribution of air conditioners on the ground floor of our house, where the whole family participated and then having more than seven stores nationwide, an own brand (DP) and positioning ourselves on several occasions as number one in sales nationwide maintains our great stimulus for this industry and total optimism about what we can achieve."

Competitiveness and consolidation
Staying competitive and consolidating in a market like Panama, are two challenges that Marco Antonio has as captain of a ship that sails in the seas of a competitive industry in which everyone seeks to always be the best in their segment. Therefore, for the Professional of the Month it is very important to be at the forefront of issues related to efficiency, environment and safety, aspects towards which the sector is heading and for which he considers the training aspect important.

"Supporting the distributor-manufacturer relationship is our greatest strength, growing together hand in hand allowed us to create a state-of-the-art training center where staff from different segments of the industry are invited monthly, from manufacturers of electrical protections to university professors specialized in environmental regulations, through technicians, engineers and the like," the guest commented.

Evolution within the sector
Marco Antonio analyzes the air conditioning sector as a very competitive space that has led them to offer different solutions that cover the different needs of the projects. This is due to the extensive knowledge that the members of the company have managed to obtain from suppliers and specialists.

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"Finding a new market in the Republic of Panama, which is very varied due to the high cost of electricity, has led us to diversify and expand our knowledge with the help of our suppliers and specialists, asking them for the greatest support through inductions, training and sharing previous experiences in similar countries. Panama is a country of challenges and great technological opportunities in general and we will be prepared at any time to meet the needs that arise in the area we have known for more than 30 years, "said Marco.

Likewise, as a changing and demanding industry, the Professional of the Month analyzes the present and future of the sector, especially for the challenges that arise daily and that must be overcome to move forward. "Our industry has always been changing and demanding, especially for those of us who want to be avant-garde. The challenges will never cease and that is the most important point for us. Latin America is an extremely diverse and competitive market, however, every year we are filled with satisfaction to see how our sales improve. Each region has its characteristics and requirements; the idea is to be able to respond to the demands that they request from us according to the conditions of each market and their respective particularities".

The Other Side of the Professional
Marco Antonio has been married for more than 10 years and is the father of two daughters: Valeria, who is a graduate of International Studies and now works in Miami for the company; and Andrea, a management graduate, who becomes involved in the family's business.

His sport is football and the teams of which he is a follower are the Italian national team and the Milan club, this due to having lived in Italy for several years: "I lived for 6 years in Italy as a child, which taught me part of a culinary culture; my passion is cooking and the best chef is my mother."

Enjoying his work is another key to Marco Antonio's success: "I enjoy every day of my work when interacting with small contractors, I get involved with their concerns that arise about cases of air conditioners, electrical protections, corrosion protections, customer service and experiences lived while we maintained a distribution and service company in Venezuela."

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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