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Two Trane projects in Brazil receive recognition

Brazil. Trane received two awards at the 24th Smacna Brazil Highlights of the Year -2016. The award highlights important projects in the area of HVAC, and the company was recognized in two of them.

The headquarters of the Sabin Laboratory - Diagnostic Medicine, located in the city of Brasília (DF), has 14,000m² of built area and the Operational Technical Nucleus (NTO) has installed productive capacity to perform five million exams per month. The building was built with the concept of green buildings, has the international LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification at the Gold level, and required an air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system that provided air conditioning of the laboratory environments while ensuring energy efficiency and operational safety.

Through the integration of the entire HVAC automation system, Sabin Laboratory adds various Trane technologies ranging from the water ice, VRF system to the variable airflow system. The company Almeida Francia Ingeniería, responsible for the installation of the HVAC systems of the work, opted for the use of chillers air condensing screws with 165 and 170 tons of refrigeration. In addition, two air conditioners; Fancoils Wave Double (13 units); VAV boxes (variable air volume) model Trane VCCF (53 units); HFCF Fancoletes (76 units); three DXPA systems with TRAE capacitors); the TVR II system (nine condensers and 12 evaporators), and the Trane Tracer SC automation system. The completion of the trane system installation and automation at the Sabin Laboratory took place in December 2016.

In the second award-winning project, the Jaguar Land Rover project, located in the city of Itatiaia (RJ), the company Ergo Engenharia chose to install a Condensate Collection System, which collects condensation water from the fancoils of the Machine House and directs towards the Cooling Towers to guarantee the energy efficiency of the work. In addition, the Thermoaccumulation Tank complements the thermal load for critical units and replaces chillers at peak electric power pricing times, providing a considerable reduction in energy costs.

- Publicidad -

The entire HVAC system was designed to meet the requirements of LEED Gold certification and, in relation to Indoor Air Quality (QAI), the air renewal rate for offices is above what is recommended by the NBR and ASHRAE. For the air conditioning of the entire testing area of products produced by the factory, Trane provided two chillers with air condensation of 140 TR. The dining rooms, offices and manufacturing areas, have two chillers with water condensation of 417 TR to air condition each space.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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