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ASHRAE Recognizes Outstanding Industry Achievements

United States.  A total of 66 people were recognized for their contributions to society and industry by building the environment, during the Winter ASHRAE Conference running through January 28 in Chicago.

The Society elevated fourteen members to the rank of "ASHRAE Fellow," which recognizes members who have achieved distinction and made substantial contributions in HVAC/R and the built environment, such as education, research, engineering design and consultation, publications, presentations, and mentoring: 

  • Tony Costa, P.E., life member, president and chief mechanical engineer, Costa Engineers, Napa, California.
  • Pankaj R. Dharkar, Chairman and Founder, Pankaj Dharkar and Associates, Ahmedabad Gujarat, India.
  • Egils Dzelzitis, Dr.-Ing., C.Eng., BEAP, BEMP, OPMP, Professor, Ripa Technical University, and CEO, Lafiap, Ripa, Latvia.
  • Bruce L. Flaniken, P.E., Life Member, Maintenance Manager of Engineering Services Facilities, Houston Methodist Hospital, Houston, Texas.
  • Ravisankar Ganta, P.E., life member, senior mechanical engineer III, Chicago Bridge and Iron Co., Vogle Power Plants 3 and 4, Waynesboro, Ga.
  • Donald J. There is, life member, general director, Technology in Refrigeration Systems SA de CV, Apodaca, NL, Mexico.
  • W. Luis Lagomarsino, Eng., director, Lagomarsino and Associates, Montevideo, Uruguay.
  • Erin McConahey, P.E., HBDP, Administrator and Director, Arup, Los Angeles, Calif.
  • Kirk T. Mescher, P.E., director, CM Engineering, Columbia, Mo.
  • Daniel H. Nall, P.E., FAIA, BEMP, HBDP, Vice President, Regional Director of High Performance Buildings, Syska Hennessey Group, New York, N.Y.
  • Ronald L. Petersen, Ph.D., Director and Vice President, CPP Inc., Fort Collins, Colo.
  • Dusan Petras, Ph.D., professor at Slovak University of Technology, and president of the Slovak Society of Technology for the Environment located in Bratislava, Slovak Republic.
  • Samir R. Traboulsi, Ph.D., P.Eng., BEAP, HPDP, Senior Lecturer, American University of Beirut; general manager, Thermotrade; and Managing Director, Ranec SARL, Lebanon.
  • Donald J. Winston, P.E., President, Donald J. Winston, New York, N.Y.

Ashrae also awarded the Technology Awards that recognize the outstanding achievements of members and building owners who have been successfully applied in innovative building design. Their designs incorporate ASHRAE standards for effective energy management and indoor air quality and serve to communicate the design of innovation systems. The winning projects are selected by entries that won regional awards. The first places are as follows:

  • William C. Weinaug Jr., P.E., vice president, exp U.S. Services Inc., Maitland, Fla., in the existing facilities or processes category for the Antarctica Empire of the Penguin attraction, Orlando, Fla. The facility is owned by Sea World Parks and Entertainment Inc.
  • Kateri Héon, Eng., project manager; and Pietro Guerra, Ing., electro mechanical director; exp, Montreal, Quebec, in the category of other existing institutional constructions by the Centre Civique de Dollard-des-Ormeaux, Quebec. The building is owned by the Ville de Dollard-des-Ormeaux.
  • Benjamin Frank Gozart, engineer; Tom Marseille, P.E., director; WSP; Charles Chaloeicheep, P.E., WSP Green Building, Wash.; Tom Boysen Jr., P.E., senior project manager, Sellen Construction, Seattle, Wash.; in the category of new residential construction by federal center South, Building 12021, Seattle, Wash. Owned by the U.S. General Services Administration.
  • Jason Troy LaRosh, P.E., mechanical engineer, Angus-Young Associates, Janesville, Wis., in the existing Public Assembly category for the Janesville Ice Arena. Owned by City of Janesville.
  • Mark Stavig, P.E., principal, CDi+Mazzetti, Lynnwood, Wash., in the category of new health center facilities by Peace Island Medical Center, San Juan Island, Wash. Owned by PeaceHealth.
  • Matthew William Longsine, P.E., associate, and Henry Di Gregorio, senior vice president, WSP, Seattle, Wash., in the other new institutional construction category for the Tacoma Center for Urban Waters, Tacoma, Wash. Owned by the National Development Council. 
  • Brian Haugk, P.E., mechanical director, and Brian Cannon, senior mechanical associate, Hargis Engineers Inc., Seattle, Wash., in the category of new educational facilities by Valley View Middle School, Snohomish, Wash. Owned by Snohomish School District No. 201.
  • Roger (Jui-Chen) Chang, P.E., BEMP, director of engineering and sustainability, Westlake Reed Leskosky, Washington, D.C., in the category of existing commercial construction by wayne N. Aspinall Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse, Grand Junction, Colo. Owned by U.S. General Services Administration, Rocky Mountain Region and completed by WRL with The Beck Group.
  • Art Sutherland, President, Accent Refrigeration Systems, Victoria, British Columbia, in the category of new public assembly by the Westhills Recreation Center, Langford, British Columbia. Owned by the City of Langford.

To see the other winners you can enter the full list by clicking here

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