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Pacific Alliance presented declaration on climate change

File. The Presidents of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos; Chile, Michelle Bachelet; Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto, and Peru, Ollanta Humala, presented a statement on climate change during the Conference of the Parties on Climate Change (COP 20) of the United Nations Organization that took place in Lima (Peru) last December.

The statement of the Presidents of the Pacific Alliance on climate change at COP 20 was as follows: 

1. Our full support to the Peruvian Presidency for the success of the Twentieth  Conference of the States Parties to the Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Tenth Conference of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol that took place in Lima, from 1 to 12 December 2014.

2. Our recognition that climate change constitutes one of the greatest global challenges, requiring concrete action on the part of all, and our commitment to act to address it in accordance with the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capacities.

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3. Our willingness to explore and adopt at the national level policies, measures and actions of mitigation and adaptation that, at the same time, contribute to the global effort against climate change and that favor sustainable development in our countries with economic growth, social inclusion and poverty reduction.

4. Our determination to take substantive steps in Lima to achieve a draft that constitutes a solid basis for the adoption of the  Climate  Agreement to be concluded in 2015, which sends a clear signal to governments, the private sector, markets and civil society about the urgent need to transform economies and societies in order to ensure sustainable low-carbon global development and resilient to climate change.

5. Our strong expectation that COP20 will produce a clear decision on the information that all countries should provide in 2015 in their national contributions to address climate change.

6. Our commitment to submit as soon as possible our respective Nationally Determined Contributions and the eventuality that such nationally determined contributions are subject to a voluntary monitoring and accountability mechanism.

7. Our conviction about the importance of national adaptation plans for all countries, as well as the financial and technological support required by developing countries as a complement to national efforts for their elaboration and implementation.

8. Our resolution on the need for the Agreement we will adopt in 2015 under the Convention to reflect the political equivalence of mitigation and adaptation.

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9. Our support for the development and use of market mechanisms, as well as our willingness  to explore  new schemes of regional and international cooperation in this area with a view to increasing the ambition of our initiatives.

10. Our commitment to the sustainable management of natural resources including agriculture, forests and water and the shared will to take advantage of the intergovernmental panels of expert groups in the field within the United Nations system. 

11. Our decision to continue working within the framework of the Pacific Alliance, with initiatives that contribute to the mitigation and adaptation of climate change and sustainable development, in particular in the exchange of experiences, technical collaboration, technology transfer and integration and bilateral and multilateral joint plans, taking advantage of the Cooperation Platform we have built and the experience of our Scientific Research Network on Change Climate (RICCC).

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12. Our call on developed countries to meet their obligations to increase financial support to address climate change through significant capitalization of the Green Climate Fund.

13. Our willingness to consider making financial contributions to the Green Climate Fund, based on our respective capabilities.

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With information from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Colombia.

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