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Amazon Alliance Against Deforestation

Alianza Amazónica En Contra De La Deforestación

The Amazon is extremely important for our planet since it occupies 6% of the total surface of the Earth and covers more than half of the tropical rainforest, it is also responsible for 15% of the global process of photosynthesis and has 20% of the world's freshwater reserves.

For this reason, the ACTO (Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization) informs us that the 8 Amazonian countries will begin in August a project to measure the deforestation of this region and its hybrid resources.

Although each country measures its deforestation differently, they agree that some of these causes are common, such as the growth of agriculture, livestock, mining, excessive and illegal logging, etc.

- Publicidad -

In the "workshop for the Amazonian countries on the regional biodiversity strategy", the executive director of the ACTO, Bolivian Mauricio Dofler, commented that one of the purposes of this project is the cooperation of all countries to prevent damage to the Amazon.

The countries that make up the ACTO are: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela.

The first study of transboundary water resources will also be carried out to learn more about the behavior of the Amazon basin and thus be able to potentiate and better use this water resource.

This meeting will be held in Quito, capital of Ecuador, and that in addition to talking about water resources, topics such as the natural resources of the forest, its sustainability, its preservation, as well as the control and prevention of trafficking in species of wild flora and fauna will also be discussed.

The Foreign Minister of Ecuador commented that "Borders are not for nature, they are for political history" and emphasized the cooperation of all for the conservation of the Amazon.

Authors: Santiago

See Original.

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