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The Government says that the installed capacity in biomass planned for 2012 has been exceeded

The Minister of Industry and Employment of the Principality of Asturias, Graciano Torre, stressed on Thursday that the regional government has already exceeded the installed capacity in biomass planned for 2012 and that the PP has estimated enough to make "a barbecue". The counselor has thus responded to an urgent interpellation of the deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group Reinerio Álvarez Saavedra on energy policy and planning, aspects in which, in the opinion of the PP, the Asturian Government has been "a real calamity".

The 'popular' parliamentarian has accused the regional executive of being vassals of Red Eléctrica Española and has reproached him for the in which the socialist project of the high voltage line between the towns of Sama and Velilla is involved, as well as the interconnections of the Soto-Penagos line, which make that if said network falls, "the whole network" goes down.

In terms of coal, Torre has asked the deputy to condemn the PP of Galicia for its "stubbornness" in the appeal of the decree of aid to coal and has reproached the opposition for its "sack of sins" when it comes to hindering the infrastructures necessary for energy planning.

In the turn of setting positions, Benigno Enríquez, for the PSOE, has defended the interrelation of industrial and energy policies, with the participation of coal in the strategic reserve and has claimed the importance of the regasification plant of El Musel, for its ability to guarantee supply at competitive prices.

- Publicidad -

In addition, it has influenced the group's support for renewables and the construction of combined cycle plants for the sake of diversification.  Finally, he has asked the PP for a public and determined defense of coal, through the end of the "macabre silence" to the Galician recourse to mineral aid because the opposite means that Asturian mining "gives a damn". (EUROPA PRESS)

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