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A pause on this beautiful road

My dear readers. I hope that this new year has received you with multiple joys and satisfactions. Do not forget that the beginnings are always opportunities to resume paths and causes that for one reason or another had been diverted from their channel.


Friends, the main topic of this editorial is not the discussion of some topic related to energy efficiency, silent operation in AC or refrigeration appliances, much less discuss the transition of new refrigerants. The idea of this editorial letter is to say goodbye and thank each and every one of you for the support provided, the affection manifested in each and every one of the scenarios in which we agree.

On December 15 I finished my cycle as editor of AC/R LATINOAMERICA, in which I was for the last six years. It was an unforgettable and enriching experience. In this industry I learned that air conditioning and refrigeration systems, although cooling, also have their heart; that in a coolant talk warm hugs and handshakes can be generated;  One of the best things I learned is that the cold not only preserves food, but also friendships and keeps them in good shape for a lifetime. Well, I also learned a lot of technical things and became passionate about many others.

- Publicidad -

Anyway. I pause on this beautiful path to give way to Ana María Restrepo, a young professional that many of you should know, as she accompanied me in some RefriAméricas and wrote not a few notes for this beautiful magazine. I invite you to give all the support to this trained and innovative journalist, so that AC/R LATINOAMERICA continues as the undisputed leader among the Latino media dedicated to the HVAC/R chain.

At the moment this is it, folks. I do not want to say goodbye as always, with a "cold" greeting, but I send you the warmest of hugs hoping that this will be a see you later, not a until forever. Those who wish to keep in touch with me can write to me at [email protected].

Thanks a lot.

Julián Arcila Restrepo
Author: Julián Arcila Restrepo
Chief Marketer
Communications professional, MBA, specialized in designing and executing successful Public Relations and Digital Marketing campaigns with more than 14 years of experience in areas related to communications.

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