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An expert advocates the electric motorcycle as a mobility solution in cities

Posted on December 2, 2010

Fuente: DIUE

Source: DIUE

The head of the Department of Transport of the Institute for the Diversification and Saving of Energy (IDAE), Juan Luis Pla, has opined that the implementation of the electric motorcycle, which will be increasingly used in cities, will serve to introduce the concept of electric mobility in society.

In statements to Europa Press, Pla has acknowledged that the impact of the electric vehicle at the moment "is very limited and the batteries have to improve" although "it is an option that will increasingly have more impact, mobility in cities will increasingly be able to be served more with electric vehicles in a competitive way".

He added that there are already applications with electric vehicles in companies "that charge them at night and carry out their management by day, with a limited mobility demand" although, from the point of view of the citizen, the electric motorcycle becomes important in the range of low power with a mobility of 20, 30 or 40 kilometers throughout the day.

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For this, "there are motorcycles with a price very close to the conventional one that can already be used perfectly by the citizen and many will be seen soon, which will introduce the concept of electric mobility," he explained.

The head of the Department of Transport of IDEA has pointed out that the autonomy of the batteries is one of the main drawbacks at present for the use of the electric vehicle, although "the investment in the world in R & D in technological development of batteries is brutal".

"Three years ago a battery had a very limited autonomy now it has multiplied by two and the costs have fallen by half, the development is exponential, probably in four or five years it has nothing to do with what is now," he said.

Thus, he has indicated that the objective of the Spanish strategy to promote the electric vehicle is, by the end of 2014, to have 250,000 vehicles, "which is not even 1 percent of the fleet", but by 2020 2.5 million plug-in vehicles are expected, 10 percent of the fleet, "and by 2030 or 2050 some already much higher percentages".


Juan Luis Pla has participated in the IV Cycle of Conferences of the Chair for Industrial and Technological Diversification, which has been held at Ibercaja Patio de la Infanta. As reported by the director of the Chair of the University of Zaragoza, Emilio Larrodé, to Europa Press, this is promoted by the Department of Industry, Tourism and Commerce and by Ibercaja.

"The objective is to disseminate the progress we have made at the level of diversification processes in the industrial sector because, throughout the year, we have worked a lot with the automotive sector and the renewable industry and we have seen many possibilities for collaboration," he said.

He added that, on the day, "we have brought representatives of this sector to shed light on issues that are not yet very clear about the future in Spain, such as what role component manufacturers will play, what energy consumption will be in the future and how it will be organized".

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Larrodé has opined that "renewables are a driving factor in the development of electric vehicles that will serve as a pull of the automotive sector in the future".

The Conference was also attended by the managing director of the Automotive Cluster of Aragon, David Romeral, who presented a project aimed at diversifying the sectors and products manufactured by the partners of the Cluster to deliver components of ecological vehicles.

He indicated that, in the first place, the industrial sectors with the greatest market potential and ease of entering the sector have been identified, which has been concluded to be packaging, rail and renewable energy.

In the second phase "we have searched for specific product families from these sectors and a diagnosis has been made of each company in the Cluster to know if it could be manufactured with the technologies they have" so that, next year, "there will be a third phase to establish a business plan to be able to manufacture this product in the plants of the cluster partners".

"We want to show that there are already companies in the Cluster that are starting to manufacture components of the electric vehicle or, as in the case of TATA Hispano, complete electric vehicles, with the help of the technological centers of Aragon that support these developments, and we want to be prepared for when Opel can choose to manufacture an electric vehicle, that the auxiliary can supply the components", has concluded. (EUROPA PRESS)

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