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Mexican Council for Sustainable Building – Press Release

November 25, 2010, Mexico City – Last Tuesday, November 9, during an informative breakfast of the Mexican Council of Sustainable Building (CMES), the technical-economic foundations for sustainable building to succeed in Mexico were presented, as it already happens in the rest of the world.

An unmissable event for a group of leaders from the construction industry and the real estate sector interested in the field of sustainability, took place in a well-known restaurant in Mexico City. Throughout a relaxed meeting convened by the CMES -Mexico Green Building Council, the current world situation was presented and the need for our country to join this new and definitive way of understanding and procuring building was pointed out.

This non-governmental organization is rethinking now, at a key moment to be visible at the national and international level, and decides to adopt new objectives and priorities with the support of organizations committed to sustainable development. Its mission as a facilitating entity is to achieve an effective market transformation, spreading the benefits of including pro-environmental actions in the planning, design, construction of unique buildings and entire cities. It is there remarkable the need to expose the fact that a higher initial cost, a negative term in principle, supposes a wide subsequent benefit, a situation that with traditional construction would never be obtained. From a life cycle perspective, in a building only 20% of the investment goes to build it, but the remaining 80% goes to its operation and salaries, then the latter is an important economic opportunity.

With a varied and extensive attendance that included real estate owners and developers, material manufacturers, architecture and engineering professionals, other NGOs and academic institutions, the need to create an evaluation tool for sustainable buildings, but well located to the national context, was discussed and argued. CMES champions this initiative, while continuing to support world-class best practices implicit in the US Green Building Council's LEED™ system.

- Publicidad -

A proposal was also presented for CMES to host a future working meeting at the Latin American level, where the experience that the different countries of the region are carrying out in terms of standardization and financing to promote buildings and infrastructure responsible for society and its natural environment is shared and enriched.

The inevitable conclusion, and agreed among the attendees, is that now is the time to propose a fundamental and transcendent change towards the sustainability of the national building sector.
Mexican Council of Sustainable Building, A.C.
Communications Directorate
[email protected]

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