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Timeline of Climate Change Summits

The COP (Conference of the Parts) aims to establish actions that lead to avoid the increase in global warming. Since 1995, international meetings began to find a solution proven by science. Below we show a chronology of all the COPs that have been held over the years with the most relevant of each one.

COP11995 – Berlin, Germany: established a phase of analysis and evaluations.

COP21996 – Geneva, Switzerland: the results of the 1995 evaluation report were approved and it was established that all countries would not follow the same actions, but according to the situation of each country.

COP31997 – Kyoto, Japan: the famous Kyoto protocol first came to light, targets were set to reduce the gas emissions of 37 countries from 2008 to 2012.

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COP41998 – Buenos Aires, Argentina: tools for the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol were developed.

COP51999 – The Hague, Netherlands: a debate was held on the mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol.

COP6 2000 – Bonn, Germany: The US proposed that already agricultural forest areas become sinks of carbon dioxide, the European Union rejected the proposal.

COP6bis 2001 – Bonn, Germany: after the failure of cop6 the US rejected the Kyoto protocol and only participated as observers. The principles of sanctions were established for countries in near non-compliance with agreed objectives.

COP72001 – Marrakesh, Morocco: they reached more agreements on the Kyoto negotiations in documents called, Marrakesh Agreements.

COP82002 – Delhi, India: The European Union unsuccessfully tried to adopt a declaration on further action to COP member countries.

COP92003 – Milan, Italy: they concentrated on fine-tuning the final details for the Kyoto protocol.

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COP102004 – Buenos Aires, Argentina: Proposals began on what will happen when the Kyoto protocol ends.

COP112005 – Montreal Canada: was the first meeting after the entry into force of the Kyoto Protocol and is complemented by the meeting of the parties.

COP122006 – Nairobi, Kenya: an international fund was created to finance the adaptation of poor countries in relation to climate change, there was a lot of tension in many countries of the European Union.

COP132007 – Bali, Indonesia: the Bali plan was adopted, the processes of establishing new emission reduction commitments were advanced, requiring faster actions in this area.

COP142008 – Poznan, Poland: Points of the Bali plan such as mitigation, adaptation, technology and financing were considered.

COP152009 – Copenhagen, Denmark: the intention that the global temperature not rise more than 2'C was rectified, although no targets were set for 2050, nor did they include proposals for the IPCC.

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COP162010 – Cancun, Mexico.


Related Posts:
  1. Crusade against climate change
  2. UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen
  3. Ecological Forum "Climate change and the actions that companies and organizations must take"
  4. The European Union and the Legal Agreements on Climate Change
  5. Mexico promises to regain confidence on climate change in Cancun

Authors: Santiago

See Original.

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