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Estimated online advertising spending will grow by 15% in 2011

Almost a third of Spanish advertising investment will be for the online sector, according to the study "EIAA Marketer's Internet Ad Barometer 2009", which highlights the growing influence of the Internet, as well as the growing confidence of European advertisers in the online field during this year marked by the economic recession, thanks to its ability to maximize the low budgets of companies.

This growth is expected to continue over the next few years, with an increase of 7.6% estimated for 2010. The study's findings predict a leap forward in 2011, with an estimated year-on-year growth in online advertising spending of more than 15%, reflecting the time when advertising companies expect an improvement in the economy. In Spain, this growth is expected to continue, with an increase in investment in online advertising. Online investment is also expected to grow by more than 20% in 2010 and 2011. Data that indicate a recovery of companies after the economic recession that is being experienced at the moment.

83% of the advertisers surveyed said that investment in online advertising increased during 2009, being higher than in 2008, so we can say that investment in the online medium continues its progressive increase.
Spanish advertising has also detected the benefits of the new medium since almost 85% of Spanish advertisers have increased their investment in online advertising during 2009, a higher investment than in 2008. Similarly, 90% of respondents expect an increase in investments in online advertising by 2010, and 92% think a further increase for 2011.

Advertisers satisfied with the results

- Publicidad -

N75% of Spanish advertisers surveyed say they are happy with the result of using the Internet as an advertising medium, and 93% indicate that online advertising is "essential" or "a growing medium".

More than a third of respondents (36%) have indicated that they have increased their advertising investment in online media during the second half of 2009 to get the most out of this medium, which offers great effectiveness in identifying target audiences during a time of economic recession – representing a growth of 29% compared to the first half of the year (28%). The value of investments was also an essential factor in increasing online activity, with 31% of advertisers indicating that profitability was one of the main advantages of online advertising.

Mailmarketing, a powerful tool

Advertisers also made greater use ofmailmarketing ( sending advertising by email); 61% of respondents increased their investments.  There has also been an increase in its use to select specific and fragmented audiences based on their behavior (33% in the second half of 2009 versus 25% in the first half of the year), on advertising networks (31% in the second half of 2009 versus 25% in the first half of the year) and on affiliate programs (36% in the second half of 2009 versus 26% in the first half of the year). since marketing companies want to make the most of their budgets by customizing the offers to their customers.
The EIAA Marketer's Internet Ad Barometer has been designed to provide an accurate snapshot of current trends and opinions in the advertising sector in Europe, through a survey of those responsible for managing the advertising budgets and marketing strategies of their respective companies.  This biannual survey not only offers insight into the current state of the market, but also an in-depth understanding of future strategies that can enable advertisers, media owners, and agencies to benchmark and personalize their own advertising initiatives with the intention of maximizing results.


El gasto en publicidad online estimado crecerá un 15% en 2011El gasto en publicidad online estimado crecerá un 15% en 2011El gasto en publicidad online estimado crecerá un 15% en 2011El gasto en publicidad online estimado crecerá un 15% en 2011El gasto en publicidad online estimado crecerá un 15% en 2011El gasto en publicidad online estimado crecerá un 15% en 2011El gasto en publicidad online estimado crecerá un 15% en 2011El gasto en publicidad online estimado crecerá un 15% en 2011El gasto en publicidad online estimado crecerá un 15% en 2011El gasto en publicidad online estimado crecerá un 15% en 2011El gasto en publicidad online estimado crecerá un 15% en 20110El gasto en publicidad online estimado crecerá un 15% en 20111El gasto en publicidad online estimado crecerá un 15% en 20112El gasto en publicidad online estimado crecerá un 15% en 20113El gasto en publicidad online estimado crecerá un 15% en 20114El gasto en publicidad online estimado crecerá un 15% en 20115El gasto en publicidad online estimado crecerá un 15% en 20116

See original.

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