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Green Airplanes Created by NASA and MIT

Ed Greitzer, leader of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) team together with NASA, are working on the designs of the next green aircraft. Currently fly about 93 thousand aircraft per day around the world and throughout the year 2009 traveled 2200 million passengers, the International Association of Airlines, says that by 2035 this figure will be doubled, so it is necessary to design and start building aircraft that do not pollute so much.

"In the last fifty years cars have changed profoundly," geitzer declares, "while airplanes are always the same: a tube with two wings to which the engines are hung" He also states that "Thinking about the duplication of flights, a radical change in the design of aircraft is required, since the current ones will not be able to respond to such a demand"

The main objective is a 70% reduction in consumption and a 75% reduction in emissions of polluting gases. From there until now two prototypes "D series" and "H series" have been created.

The D series can replace the Boing B-737 with 180 passengers, the design and aerodynamics are very different from what we know now, the aircraft will be very light since it will make extensive use of carbon fibers, the wings are very thin, they will be a little slower than its predecessor 737 but it recovers the time in the landings that will be much faster and in the boarding, which by design will be very easy to access.

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serie d

The H series is an aircraft for long-haul routes, for 350 passengers, it is a triangle-shaped and tailless design, similar to the B-2 aircraft of the air force, the engines are hidden in the rear of the aircraft, minimizing air resistance.

serie h

"The MIT project is very interesting," says Carl Burleson, director of the Department of Environment and Energy at the Federal Aviation Agency, "either because of the environmental results and because it does not require changes in the structures of the airports, unlike other projects already presented."
In the coming months, NASA will evaluate the project to decide its feasibility and establish the completion times.


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Authors: Santiago

See Original.

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