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pressure and discharge temperature

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Posts: 3
Since: 07/Oct/2010

 pressure and discharge temperature
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Good afternoon, the truth is that my papers were burned so I turn to someone who can and has the vondad to help me, the problem is the following: I have a cold center that works with R22, in which I have a discharge pressure of 250 PSI and about 49 ºC at the entrance of the capacitor and about 30 º C at the exit, because of the symptoms I think what it has is air in the system, I am purging through a siphon but I do not get improvements. the question is I'm misdiagnosing? It is worth clarifying that I do not have liquid in the hall ... and the plant does not perform..

07/Oct/2010 21:39 GMT+1 presion ytemperatura de descargaProfile·0Private

Posts: 3
Since: 07/Oct/2010

1 RE: pressure and discharge temperature

Originally written by neofrig

Good afternoon, the truth is that my papers were burned so I turn to someone who can and has the vondad to help me, the problem is the following: I have a cold center that works with R22, in which I have a discharge pressure of 250 PSI and about 49 ºC at the entrance of the capacitor and about 30 º C at the exit, because of the symptoms I think what it has is air in the system, I am purging through a siphon but I do not get improvements. the question is I'm misdiagnosing? It is worth clarifying that I do not have liquid in the hall ... and the plant does not perform..

207/Oct/2010 21:39 GMT+1 3Profile·4Private
Frigorista & Forum Administrator

Posts: 983
Since: 03/Jan/2005

5 RE: pressure and discharge temperature

If your doubt is that there is air in the circuit, the best option is to unload everything, vacuum and recharge.

608/Oct/2010 03:01 GMT+1 7Profile·8Private
- Publicidad -

Posts: 3
Since: 07/Oct/2010

9 RE: pressure and discharge temperature

from now on thank you very much and if what I did was exactly that, only they did not give me too much time to empty since it is a bakery plant and the machine stop means stopping the production, then vent as much as I could and reload, since it is a cold plant of 200 Hp simple stage but anyway thank you.

008/Oct/2010 22:36 GMT+1 1Profile·2Private
Premiun Refrigerator

Posts: 126
Since: 18/May/2004

3 RE: pressure and discharge temperature

Originally written by neofrig

from now on thank you very much and if what I did was exactly that, only they did not give me too much time to empty since it is a bakery plant and the machine stop means stopping the production, then vent as much as I could and reload, since it is a cold plant of 200 Hp simple stage but anyway thank you.

Uff!! ... I think you made the mistake of accepting to be controlled for the time needed to make a good empty, because a 200hp equipment has to be a lot of coolant to eliminate due to a bad maneuver ... Although I admit that it is difficult to make the client understand the time and materials that must be invested to do a good job, ... there is no lack of the master who competes with you for less time and fewer materials, and the customer who buys with him.

I hope it does not cause you many problems because you will have to wait for the next failure.

408/Oct/2010 23:05 GMT+1 5Profile·6Private

Authors: Solutions in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

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