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Geothermal heat pumps

In this post we will develop the principle of operation of geothermal heat pumpsand analyze their main advantages and disadvantages. This type of pumps take advantage of the subsoil as a heat source, in heating mode, or as a heat sink, in cooling mode. Its principle of operation is the same as that of a conventional heat pump, based on the simple cycle of vapor compressionor Carnot cycle.According to the Carnot principle it is possible to extract heat from a cold source to yield it to a hot source and vice versa. But like almost everything in this life this is not free for it you have to provide a certain amount of external mechanical energy. Thus a conventional heat pump uses the following elements:
Refrigerant or primary fluid: it is the key to the system, since it is responsible for transporting the energy that is extracted from the cold focus and taken to the hot focus. This is possible thanks to the behavior that these fluids present when their pressure varies. Using an analogy with the human body is the blood of the system. Mechanical compressor: it is responsible for compressing the refrigerant fluid in a gaseous state at low pressure, increasing its pressure and temperature in this process. in this process it is necessary to provide external mechanical energy. It is the heart of the system. Heat exchangers: they are responsible for carrying out the heat exchange between the cooling fluid and another fluid, which may well be the outside air or water. They are known as evaporatorsand condensers because ofthe processes that take place in them. The heat is extracted from the cold focus by a process of evaporation of the refrigerant fluid and transferred to the hot focus by a condensation process of the same.image
In geothermal heat pumps, a secondary fluid, usually water, is usually used to carry out the transfer of heat from the exchanger to the subsoil, although the heat exchange between the primary fluid (refrigerant) and the ground can also be carried out directly. In cooling mode it is necessary to cool this secondary fluid using an exchanger buried in the subsoil. In heating mode it is necessary to heat this secondary fluid using the same exchanger buried in the subsoil. This exchange with the ground is possible thanks to the stability of temperatures of the ground from 10-15 meters deep. In the following graph you can see the temperature profiles at different times of the year:image

As can be seen from 15 meters deep, temperatures remain practically constant all year round.

Depending on the configuration of the buried exchanger, two types of systems are distinguished:


Buried pipes are buried around the dwelling at a depth of 1 meter. They require an approximate area of 1.5 times that occupied by the house.

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The collection system consists of vertical probes up to 100 m deep. It requires a much smaller surface area than horizontal systems.

imageThe main advantages of geothermal heat pumps are:
They have an energy efficiency index 30-40% higher than that of conventional equipment. They are considered as a renewable energy source so they can be sub-subsidized. They require less maintenance. There is no risk of legionella infections. Lower primary energy consumption with the consequent reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Safety.Long service life. Easy maintenance. Its main drawbacks are:
Higher initial investment cost. Greater difficulty in the execution of the works. Interference with other facilities.

Authors: Energy Efficiency Solutions


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