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An air conditioning system through windows with water chamber wins the first prize of the 'Galiciencia'

The air conditioning system through windows with water chamber designed by two students of the Guillelme Brown School of Ourense took the first prize of the 'Galiciencia 2010', the scientific fair organized by Tecnópole (Parque Tecnolóxico de Galicia). This project was the winner of the category of 2nd cycle of the ESO and absolute winner by imposing itself in score to those of the other two winning teams, the 1st cycle of the ESO, formed by two students of the Alborada School of Vigo, and the Baccalaureate, who went to Guipúzcoa.

Each of the members of the three winning teams took a portable minicomputer that in the case of the first absolute prize is completed with the financing of the trip to another national science fair.

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The objective of the winning project, presented by Ana Esteban Baloira and Uxía Fernández Bustillo, is to find a method by which the temperature of the room of a house can be controlled using water in the windows. For this, double glazed windows are used that will give rise to an intermediate chamber that is filled with water. Depending on the outside temperature, the degree of insolation and the dye used in the circuit, the comfort of the room can be modified.

With the closing of the 'Galiciencia' the Science Week in Galicia is over, which involved the organization of dozens of dissemination activities in the four provinces during the last twenty days. In this sense, the xeral director of R + D + I of the Ministry of Economy and Industry, Ricardo Capilla, pointed out that the success of these initiatives justifies that from his department is carried out towards the future "an effort to deseasonalize the dissemination of science, technology and innovation extending these efforts throughout the year", regardless of the fact that these intensify during Science Week in November.

Capilla was accompanied at the closing and at the awards ceremony by the delegate of the Xunta de Galicia in Ourense, Rogelio Martínez, who encouraged the participants "to advance in their research facet towards the future, especially with the aim of working on applied projects that represent a contribution to the improvement of our quality of life".

The other two winners

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The winning projects were chosen by an expert jury from among the 17 projects from schools in the province of Ourense, 12 from Pontevedra, 9 from A Coruña, 5 from Lugo, 5 from Catalonia and 2 from the Basque Country. All of them were exhibited during the last three days at the Tecnópole venue thanks to the sponsorship of the Directorate General of R + D + I of the Ministry of Economy and Industry.

As far as the winning project of the prize in the category of 1st cycle of eso is concerned, it consisted of measuring the resistivity of a material, the pencil mine, formed by a mixture of graphite with other substances. The work was carried out by Paloma Bravo Bueno and Belén Martín de Vicente, from Las Acacias School (Vigo).

The winners in the Baccalaureate category were Nuria Sánchez Monasterio and Andrea García Sagastibeltza, from La Anunciata Ikastetxea (Donostia, Guipúzcoa). His work consisted of the physical, chemical and microbiological analysis of the water of the Zubitxo River and the quality of the landscape of its surroundings. Through this work it was determined that environmental recovery is not a utopia, but a reality that with the help and effort of citizens and the City of Lezo will be able to achieve an improvement of this ecosystem.

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More than 2,200 visitors

In the last three days, more than 2,200 people passed through the tent of the 'Galiciencia', most of them students from schools throughout Galicia. In addition to the sample of projects, visitors were able to attend the fun science sessions of the popularizer Adolf Cortel who this year, coinciding with the fiftieth anniversary of the laser, carried out experiments with powerful lasers of different colors.

Authors: Air Conditioning

See original.

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