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Shrieve Products International presents its novelties at Chillventa 2010

This edition of Chillventa 2010, held from 13 to 15 October in Nuremberg, Germany, was attended by Shrieve Products International Ltd as an exhibitor and speaker at the Refrigeration Forum.

Shrieve Chemical Produts LTd (SPI) is the European subsidiary of Shrieve Chemical, known in the refrigeration sector as a manufacturer of high-tech specialty lubricants for more than 30 years.

On October 13, a presentation was given at the Refrigeration Forum by Manuel Muñoz, Industrial Chemist with a long career in the sector, Agent of New Developments of SPI and responsible for the line of additives ICE32® (automobile), Zerol® ICE (air conditioning) and Zerol® ICE LT (refrigeration). The presentations of that day were moderated by Prof. Dr. – Eng. Ullrich Hesse, from the Institut für Energietechnik of the Technical University of Dresden.

It was explained how and why the limit lubrication additives ICE32, Zerol® ICE and Zerol® ICE LT work.

How they achieve the retention of a layer of lubricant between the moving parts of the refrigeration or air conditioning compressor, even in the worst working conditions (machine stop).

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Thanks to this effect we obtain less mechanical wear and greater durability of the equipment. It also has a direct effect on performance: lower discharge temperature that preserves the oil, lower electricity consumption both at speed and at start-up, and improvement of the COP. In this way we increase the energy efficiency of equipment or installation.

The presentation was accompanied by photographs of parts with and without additive showing the comparative wear and tear on equipment, after the same number of hours of operation.

It was also illustrated with some cases of applications in Spain. In a 50 kW roof-top equipment with two twin refrigeration circuits, the additive circuit improved the COP by 10% in addition to reducing its discharge temperature, electricity consumption and improving thermal jumps.

Shrieve Products International presenta sus novedades en Chillventa 2010

As a novelty compared to the presentation in Madrid last May, the first field application of the Zerol® ICE LT was mentioned. It was tested on refrigerated containers with a set temperature of ‐20ºC this summer in the Canary Islands. The time to reach the setpoint starting from ambient temperature was reduced by 10%, in addition to improving the COP and lowering the amperage of the compressor.

After the presentation there was a question time that Began Prof. Hesse himself. In the room there were professionals from all over Europe and the Middle East, resulting in a very good acceptance of the field experience. These products are applied to the crankcase by adding it to the conventional lubricant, but only 12‐15% of the existing oil content. The operation is carried out in a few minutes, and will reduce the costs of operation and maintenance of the equipment with a very small investment in time and materials. This technology will also be presented at the AHR EXPO‐Mexico, from October 26 to 28 in Mexico City.

See original.

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