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And Latin America, what role does it play in the industry?

Asking this question is always tricky in Latin America. However, it is not enough to philosophize and wonder if at some point we will stop being followers of standards to become demanding compliance with them.

The discussion starts from the environment in which we are moving in the last few days. On the one hand we are close to the entry into force of the regulation that will prohibit the sale of CVAC/R equipment preloaded with virgin R-22. In addition to the above, there are several regulations that are requiring, mainly in California, that manufacturers of cooling and refrigeration equipment must adhere to certain design parameters of their solutions, which will ensure compliance with the state's energy efficiency laws.

On the above topics, all kinds of comments have emerged denouncing that the aforementioned measures will have negative effects, both on the companies that produce solutions that use this type of refrigerants, and for manufacturers that comply with design regulations to adjust to energy efficiency. The issue is that on the refrigerant side there is still no clear definition of the term "date of manufacture" and whether it refers to the date of production of the solution or whether it speaks of the date of installation. In any case, the rule would have different implications. When it comes to designing solutions to suit energy laws, the problem is that not everyone meets the rules and that leaves the "obedient" at a clear disadvantage.

All this discussion that is presented in the United States should serve to ask us about the role of Latin America in this whole imbroglio. On the one hand, at least we are clear about what conjunctural processes are being presented in the face of these two important issues and we can anticipate making the appropriate decisions that favor the industry.

No less important is that the industry must unite and consolidate to avoid the August of those who do not comply with the rules, because it is not at all fair that companies that invest in research and development, for example, should lose competitiveness with those that do not. Again, it's all a matter of costs and prices.

- Publicidad -

A topic to finish. We have an opportunity for associations to move from being educational actors to becoming political actors, defending the interests of their partners before governments. Education cannot be left aside, but neither can the lobby.


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