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Another high-impact decision

Dear readers. 2009 began and it is the sincere wish of this publishing house and its members that all of you have the best during this year and that the peace, successes and prosperity you receive be extended to your families, friends and collaborators.

But each new year, in addition to joy and expectations, brings with it changes and even new regulations, such as the one that went into effect in the United States on January 1, and which is known as the Energy Security and Independence Act of 2007, which was signed at the end of that year and that words plus words less intends to "lead the United States towards great energy security and independence, to increase the production of clean renewable fuels; protect consumers; increase the efficiency of products, buildings, vehicles; promote research on greenhouse gases, as well as on their use and storage; and increase the energy performance of the Federal Government, among other purposes."

This law has a direct impact on the CVAC/R industry, and as far as refrigeration equipment is concerned it has up to nine different requirements related to refrigerator door closers, insulation for ceilings, walls and doors (R 25 for chillers and R 32 for freezers), the use of evaporator fan motors, which when less than one horsepower must use electronically switched motors. There are also requirements related to lighting and the doors of supermarket displays.

In this determination there are several elements to analyze. On the one hand, it is very positive that the United States government promotes practices that lead to increase energy efficiency and, first of all, to optimize the use of the resources we have; ideally, this law is not just a dead initiative that remains like the typical hay ball in the middle of the desert.

On the other hand and no less important, is that this type of initiative echoes in Latin America and that hopefully these determinations will drive the region to consume more energy-efficient solutions. Nowadays it does not make sense that by saving a few extra pesos do not buy equipment with EFFICIENCY SEER 13 or higher, nor does it make sense that suppliers continue to fill Latino warehouses with inefficient units. Someone has to pay the cost, hopefully it won't still be the planet.

- Publicidad -

A cold greeting.


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