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New and old refrigerants under magnifying glass

The old refrigerants are being phased out and the new refrigerants are still not well known. These are the issues that technicians are facing as a result of another tumultuous year as far as gases are concerned.

The step taken by the elimination of R-22 was accelerated thanks to actions that were carried out last September to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the signing of the Montreal Protocol.

HFCs and the next generation of refrigerants continue to gain traction in North America, especially with the entry of R-410A. So far the favorite in the HFCs segment is the R-744 (CO2). Ammonia continues to have a place, especially if it is supplemented with CO2 for industrial applications. Even flammable hydrocarbons were endorsed by people who pointed out that refrigerants such as propane and isobutane should be used in many more applications.

Here's a small review of refrigerants that can help contractors and technicians.

•R-22: Getting the HCFC-22 will be a closer problem than expected, due in part to a new agreement made during the review of the Montreal Protocol. One aspect of this agreement means that the deadline for the elimination of R-22 will continue to be the year 2020, but the reduction of the quantity produced between 2008 and 2020 will be much faster than the previously agreed requirements. For example, before it had to reduce 65 percent of R-22 by 2010, now production must be reduced by 75 percent. This agreement was reached by at least 200 countries, including the United States, which will bring safe benefits to combat climate change and ozone loss and in it the most important manufacturers agree.

•HFCs: The best known of the HFCs is R-410A, which is being introduced in many residential equipment and is increasingly used in commercial applications, but neither quickly and effectively.
For example, the growth of R-410A installations in the residential sector was 23 percent in 2007. Growth of 55 percent is expected in 2009. The commercial air conditioning sector is moving even at a slower pace, with less than 10 percent of the market installing R-410A equipment in 2007. The importance of educating customers about the importance of using HFC-based equipment was noted.

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•CO2: As a refrigerant, CO2 has both benefits and challenges. In a positive way is that it presents low costs and an excellent heat transfer; in a negative way the high operating pressures and the increase in the costs of systems. But CO2 is believed to be the most viable option in the long run because it is the best option manufacturers have come up with. In addition, its use is expanding and such efforts are beneficial, but they are still in their early stages. Because its reserves are geological, the future of CO2 is much brighter.

The most important thing is to understand that the revolution will only occur when an obligation is established and markets begin to evolve due to a need for energy-efficient applications, for safety and for the environment. (Source: The News)

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