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Approximately 500 people were present at the fourth version of EXPOACAIRE, organized by the Colombian Association of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration ACAIRE.

Sample of knowledge and experience

On August 22, 23 and 24 at the Compensar Convention Center in Bogotá, the most outstanding manufacturing firms from the country and abroad, entrepreneurs, users, academics and students met to exhibit and learn about trends, products and new developments in the Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Ventilation sector.

On the 22nd, intensive seminars were held on topics such as psychometry in environments with low humidity, energy saving in air conditioning and refrigeration drive systems and alternative energies for air conditioning systems.

On the 23rd and 24th, the business exhibition was held in which national and international companies took part. It offered the possibility of offering state-of-the-art equipment and solutions in which buyers, students and managers of Colombian and foreign companies could consult technical aspects and the quality of service that provide alternatives that are only offered in the best markets in the world.

Simultaneously with the exhibition, in a marathon technical and academic conference, experts from Mexico, the United States and Colombia, presented and shared their experience and knowledge in relation to new trends and technological developments in aspects as diverse as refrigeration systems for supermarkets, climate change and sustainable architecture, design of refrigeration plants, filtration and clean areas, variable refrigerant system with application for commercial and residential area, ice storage, evaporative cooling, air conditioning control in extreme applications, ultra-efficient ice water plants and energy saving methods in pumping circuits.

According to the appreciation of the attendees, of which about 45% were managers of the companies in the sector and users, the sample allowed to know the solutions and alternatives that best adapt to the needs of the projects that are being carried out in the country. In this way, some concluded, the systems that are designed and installed in Colombia, may be increasingly closer to the quality standards offered in the first world.

For manufacturers and buyers, at EXPOACAIRE 2007 it was confirmed that the good economic moment that the country is going through constitutes an accumulation of opportunities for technological renewal and the improvement of quality standards in the equipment offered in the Colombian market to continue and improve the pace at which it has been carried out. This is an opportunity that entrepreneurs have understood very well, the foreign participants argued.

From this point of view, for multinationals such as Emerson, Schneider, Trane, Lennox and LG, according to their representatives in the commercial exhibition, the country's market offers great possibilities for growth and strengthening of the sector. The presence of its companies at the fair ratifies the interest in contributing to the good moment of the industry.

The cycle of technical conferences was cataloged in the survey of the participants, as of excellent quality and of great interest to the sector and its users.

In addition, the participation of students from the Seine and other educational entities was seen with the best eyes and in general, ACAIRE received an encouragement to continue promoting an aspect that greatly favors companies and project owners: the link of the academy with the development and design of its own alternatives and consistent with the conditions and demands of the internal market.

The work that ACAIRE carries out so that meetings such as EXPOACAIRE and the International Industrial Fair of Bogotá, and the seminars, courses and diplomas that it carries out throughout the country continue to be presented, was especially highlighted. The promotion of academic activities, hand in hand with companies and trade union organizations, will allow technical development to begin to adjust to the conditions and demands of the climate, environment, economic and Colombian market.

In this way, ACAIRE, as an organizing entity, ratified its experience of 26 years of uninterrupted work in favor of the guild in Colombia and meets the expectations of the sector and its users.

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