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Armstrong celebrates its 90th anniversary this month

Armstrong celebra este mes su aniversario número 90

International. Since its founding in 1934, Armstrong Fluid Technology has overcome challenges as significant as the Great Depression of 1929. Today it is a benchmark company in the global fluid flow systems industry.

Since its founding in 1934 in Toronto, Canada, by Samuel Allan Armstrong, the company has evolved to become a leader in its field. Today, Armstrong operates eight manufacturing facilities on four continents, demonstrating its global reach and ongoing efforts in the areas of design, engineering and manufacturing.

In 1952, the company, under the leadership of James Allan Cary Armstrong, adopted a series of strategic initiatives that reshaped its operations and facilitated international growth. These initiatives have been instrumental to Armstrong's development and success on a global scale.

- Publicidad -

Charles Armstrong, the current president, underscores the company's dedication to innovation, customer satisfaction and environmental sustainability. "Innovation and a focus on customer experiences remain at the core of what we do. We are proud of our contributions to sustainability and the positive impact our optimization approach has had through our work," he says.

Worldwide Celebration
Throughout its nine-decade history, Armstrong has contributed to numerous landmark buildings and projects around the world. Despite the changes and growth, the company's commitment to its founding values remains strong, its spokespeople say.

The anniversary was celebrated by Armstrong's offices around the world, with events reflecting the diverse cultural traditions of its international teams. These celebrations were a nod to the company's rich history and future aspirations.

"As Armstrong Fluid Technology looks to the future, it remains dedicated to promoting smart fluid flow technology, maintaining high standards of customer service, and promoting sustainability in its practices," said Charles Armstrong.

With eight manufacturing facilities on four continents and employees around the world, Armstrong Fluid Technology is known as an innovator in the design, engineering, and manufacturing of intelligent fluid flow equipment, control solutions, and optimization technologies.

Technological development
With advanced solutions that leverage cutting-edge computing, IoT, machine learning, digital twin technology, and demand-driven control, Armstrong provides and protects efficiency in mechanical building systems, addressing energy optimization as a building-wide challenge and advancing the practice of full lifecycle management.

Focusing on HVAC, plumbing, gas transmission and fire safety applications, the company provides cost-effective, energy-efficient solutions and performance management services to construction and facilities professionals around the world.

In 2019, Armstrong signed the Net Zero Carbon Buildings Pledge, a program launched by the World Green Building Council. As a signatory to the program, Armstrong is committed to ensuring that all of its offices and manufacturing facilities operate with net-zero carbon emissions by 2030.

Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Author: Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador Social Periodista egresado de la Universidad de Antioquia, con más de 14 años de experiencia en medios periodísticos y proyectos de comunicación digital. [email protected]

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