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DiversiTech signs distribution agreement with Sanhua

DiversiTech firma un acuerdo de distribución con Sanhua

International. DiversiTech Corporation signed an agreement to be the exclusive supplier in North America of the Sanhua brand, becoming the exclusive supply chain partner.

The company reported that, in this way, it will guarantee the stock of Sanhua spare parts in the market, which will allow it to offer a complete line of solutions and products to its customers.

It was also learned that, since the beginning of the year, the new agreement has allowed buyers to include Sanhua products within their ongoing orders to DiversiTech.

"Our partnership with Sanhua further demonstrates our commitment to simplifying the way our customers and technicians do business, reinforcing our comprehensive one-stop-shop method. Given Sanhua's focus on advancing current and future refrigerant technologies, his expertise in the HVAC/R industry will allow us to expand our already extensive product portfolio in the refrigeration segment," said Jim Mosman, Director of Electrical Product Management.

- Publicidad -

While customers will still have the ability to order products directly from Sanhua, the minimums and terms may be stricter.

Cyrus Gardner, Sanhua's National Sales Director for North America, said, "I am excited to partner and witness how the power of our production, supply chain, and R&D will combine with their distribution, support and sales network expertise to benefit the end user. Together, I believe both companies are uniquely positioned to ensure that high-quality, cost-competitive refrigeration components are ready and available for the HVAC wholesale and distribution industry."

Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Author: Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador Social Periodista egresado de la Universidad de Antioquia, con más de 14 años de experiencia en medios periodísticos y proyectos de comunicación digital. [email protected]

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