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Intersam examines the ACR outlook for the rest of 2024

Intersam examina las perspectivas ACR para el resto de 2024

International. According to the firm Intersam, the previous year marked a milestone for the HVAC industry, since in that period its market reached a value of around US $168.65 billion. However, the projections for the period 2024-2032 are even more promising.

According to the US consultancy EMR, this sector will register a compound annual growth rate of 6.2%. This drives expectations towards an estimated market value of US$289.80 billion by the year 2032.

Among other aspects, Intersam points out that in the Americas the drive towards more energy-efficient systems would be catapulting growth, supported by consolidated structures and stricter environmental regulations. In addition, the company proposes the following global outlook for the remainder of the year.

Increased demand for energy-efficient systems
With energy costs on the rise, the search for ACR systems that reduce energy consumption is a growing priority. Consumers are looking for solutions that, in addition to providing comfort, minimize environmental impact and reduce energy costs.

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Normalization of stocks and return to pre-pandemic levels
After the challenges that arose during the Covid-19 pandemic, the food sector is on track to stabilise its inventories. Uncertainty gives way to greater predictability, resulting in a gradual return to more consistent and manageable stock levels.

Construction Growth
The increase in demand for HVAC systems correlates with the growing importance of maintaining healthy and comfortable indoor environments. With increased awareness of indoor air quality, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems become essential elements in construction projects.

A holistic approach to sustainability
Sustainability emerges as a fundamental factor in the evolution of the ACR sector. Beyond energy efficiency, companies are adopting practices and technologies that reduce their environmental footprint. From adjustments in storage temperatures, to transitioning to greener refrigerants such as CO2 and ammonia, a commitment to sustainability drives innovation and corporate responsibility.

Adoption of Smart ACR Systems
Indeed, the future of refrigeration and HVAC is marked by the integration of intelligent systems. Through the use of technologies such as IoT, these systems offer advanced and efficient management, optimizing performance and reducing energy consumption. Sensors, automation, and real-time data analytics are just a few of the features that are transforming the way we interact with refrigeration and air conditioning.

Other Factors to Consider
Intersam points out that 2024 is presented as a year of transformation and adaptation for the sector, specifying that there are additional factors that will shape the landscape of the industry in the coming years, such as the use of AI in supply chain management, regulatory changes and incentives, technological evolution and the energy rehabilitation of buildings.

Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Author: Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador Social Periodista egresado de la Universidad de Antioquia, con más de 14 años de experiencia en medios periodísticos y proyectos de comunicación digital. [email protected]

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