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Danval presented its new facilities in Antioquia

Danval presented its new facilities

Colombia. We were present at the inauguration event of the new Danval facilities in the Zona Franca, in Rionegro in Antioquia, in this event the company invited collaborators, allies, clients and suppliers to learn about the different areas, but above all to understand the processes manufacturing.

During this two-day meeting, which took place on March 22 and 23, lectures on natural refrigerants, compressors and other related topics were given in the main office spaces, which are equipped with an auditorium for conferences, an exhibition room and also a cellar area.

In this sense, the tour included a trip to its second and third warehouses, numbers 33 and 128, with a capacity of 1,650 square meters and 440 square meters respectively, which together with their office spaces add up to almost 3,800 meters of installed capacity.

danval team work

- Publicidad -

Fernando Becerra, president of the company, was in charge of setting the pace and personally attending to the guests during the welcome, the tour, as well as the lunch and toast spaces, supported at all times by the administrative staff, made up of Claudia Lucía Llano, Manuela García Suarez, Natalia Julieth Arango, Lorena Hincapié, Sandybell Loaiza, Elena Urán, Edison Darío Botero, Julián Carvajal, David Ramírez, Javier Enrique Becerra, Jean Carlo Becerra, Tania Rocío Becerra, Oscar Julián Niño and Omar Alexander Cortés.

Details of the day
In the first part, all the guests were introduced and words of welcome were given, thanking collaborators, allies, clients and other guests. It is worth mentioning that the national visitors were from Medellín, Cali, Pasto and Neiva; While at the international level there were visitors from Peru, Venezuela and Miami, the president of Acarie, Giovanni Barletta, also appeared, who gave a few special words asking the guests to join the joint actions aimed at nurturing the local development of this industry.

Danval 1

At this time it was also explained that only the personnel in charge of the plant, who were in the different warehouses in the manufacturing line, were absent.


Subsequently, during the tour, a detailed explanation of the processes carried out in each space was obtained, as well as a presentation, upon returning to the auditorium area, where the history of the company was resumed and Fernando explained how they grew, which were the greatest difficulties, challenges and opportunities that the company took, as well as a special mention to his father, who started everything in the garage of his house in the city of Cali, looking for a business opportunity and inviting his family to be part of it. of that dream, which would officially become a company in 2006.

Author: lpi-english

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