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KNX protocol for HVAC systems

KNX protocol for HVAC systems

Latin America. There are various protocols that can be used for home automation installations, with which different home devices are automated, among them KNX stands out, due to the fact that it is open, the number of registered products and the manufacturer members.

In accordance with the Humiclima company, with the KNX protocol we can offer the customer energy savings associated with increased comfort, both in small and large facilities.

Furthermore, the company pointed out that "the KNX System allows to increase the value of the home, or of the building, adding technology for a more efficient management of resources that, together with presence sensors, light level probes, motorized blinds, humidity sensors and temperature sensors, among others”. With the added value of making significant energy savings in the consumption of electricity, gas and water.

In other words, thanks to automation, a home, office or building with KNX can adapt the air conditioning conditions to the real demand and create personalized environments (for example, in terms of light and temperature) adapted to each end user, without the need to make changes to the installation.

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In addition, it is possible to control the different equipment connected to the KNX system, through a central control, which is an interface with simple access from a mobile phone that is connected to the Internet.

Advantages and Benefits
Finally, Humiclima shared what he considers the advantages and benefits of this system. Regarding the advantages, he pointed out that this system has a distributed architecture, "this means that we do not need a central controller (for example, a computer or an automaton) to control the installation, each element of the system has its own intelligence and they communicate between them, which also allows a quick modification of the installation”.

Likewise, I add that all the elements can be configured using a single software (regardless of the model and manufacturer) and, with said software, both the design and programming of the project as well as the start-up, maintenance and diagnosis of the installation are carried out.

In the benefits for the user, Humiclima highlighted energy savings, increased comfort, rationalization of electrical consumption and reduction of contracting in terms of high power, avoiding the action of electrical protections due to excessive consumption, personal and property safety, new possibilities for control of equipment and systems, remote management and easy adaptation of the electrical installation to the changing needs of the end user

In benefits for the installer, it is considered the increase in the quality, use and possibilities of the electrical installation, the new business opportunities in installations, the additional maintenance services, the significant eduction of cabling works (decentralized assembly), an increase in the number of functions and greater transparency of the installation.

To conclude, the benefits for the promoter are the new features for promotions, the rationalization of applications for common areas and facilities in the building, the revaluation of the promotion with a minimum cost, the added value in the promotions and the follow-up of the Evolution of the building sector towards energy sustainability.

Author: lpi-english

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