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El Dorado Airport Received LEED Platinum Certification

El Dorado LEED PlatinoColombia. El Dorado Airport is the first airport in the world to be certified as a LEED Platinum building in operation and maintenance of existing buildings, in its version 4.1 - awarded by the US Green Building Council. This recognition is the highest of its kind and is granted only to constructions that meet outstanding standards in terms of sustainability.

After receiving the certification, Andrés Ortega, General Manager of El Dorado said: "We are in a moment where the planet needs a real contribution from companies, and it is precisely through the reduction of the carbon footprint and increasing energy efficiency that we will be able to leave future generations a better planet, this is our commitment from El Dorado. We are very proud to receive this certification as it is part of the management we carry out on a daily basis to respond to the sustainable development goals."

To obtain this certification, aspects such as the following were evaluated for 12 months:

- Energy efficiency.
- Efficient water consumption.
- Policies in waste management.
- Quality of the indoor environment / Human Experience.
- Integration with the city and transport system and innovation.

El Dorado scored 82 points out of 100.

- Publicidad -

"This recognition is the result of the permanent transformation processes that are developed in the air terminal, being one of its focuses, being a green construction and mitigating the impacts caused by the air operation in the capital," says the official statement of Opain, operator of the airport.

In El Dorado, more than 14,200 LED lights made from recycled materials have been installed, which generate 22% less environmental impact. For this year it is expected to replace the remaining 14.99% of lights, which will generate additional savings equivalent to the consumption of 1,235 homes of 80m².

Additionally, they expect to increase the production capacity of green energy through solar panels that are installed on the roofs of the terminal and that to date provide 12% of the total energy required for its operation.

This green energy generation project seeks to increase its production capacity to reach 40% in the coming years, and thus consolidate the commitment to future generations.

El Dorado explains that it also uses state-of-the-art technologies certified in the care and treatment of indoor air, to guarantee the health and well-being of all users, greatly exceeding the minimum requirements of international standards.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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