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Energy efficiency in Eldorado

altThe Eldorado International Airport in Bogotá, Colombia, now has a modern automation system that allows better performance and intelligent use of energy. by Johnson Controls

Integrated facilities management systems provide security and comfort to passengers in the new airport terminals. Located in Colombia's busy capital city of Bogota, Eldorado International Airport is one of the busiest and is one of the gateways for commercial exchange in Latin America. It is the largest airport in Colombia. Each year, it receives more than 22 million passengers and transports 650,000 tons of cargo. As the facility opened in the 1950s, various expansion and renovation tasks have been carried out at the airport. Growth in all types of traffic led to a two-stage us$1 billion expansion in 2011 to build 36 boarding gates, commercial and duty-free areas, immigration facilities, offices and service spaces at the airport. In October 2012, a new international terminal (T2) was opened. An extension of that terminal will receive domestic flights when completed in 2014. When the project is completed, the new Eldorado International Airport will be the largest and most modern airport facility in Latin America.

Control of building systems
Johnson Controls installed its Metasys® building management system that will function as the integrator of the building systems. This integrates various systems of control of the environment, fires, access and CCTV of the T2. In addition, it integrates baggage management platforms, rolling aisles, elevators and escalators. Metasys uses its IT-based infrastructure software and wireless capabilities to ensure that all building subsystems function as a cohesive unit. By bringing independent systems together, building automation results in better performance and intelligent use of energy. Piedad Gomez, chief technology officer at Opain, the airport management consortium, said the integration of so many different systems was designed to enhance the passenger experience and transform Eldorado International Airport into a world-class one. "For international passengers, Eldorado will be the first impression of Colombia and South America," said the director. "We want tourists to value the high level of technology that is used to provide them with comfort, convenience and safety.

This terminal is a symbol of our country's growing importance in the global economy, especially in the Americas." There are two teams that are responsible for the security and automation functions of the airport building. From the operations center, the building management team uses Metasys to monitor and control heating, ventilation, air conditioning( air conditioning), lighting, and baggage management systems. By integrating the systems into Metasys, the airport was able to gain advanced operational capabilities and added more value by adopting an intelligent and comprehensive automation system that allows the entire terminal to achieve high levels of efficiency and functionality. With Metasys, airport staff can monitor facilities live and all the time through easy-to-use interfaces. In addition, it provides energy management, events and control, data exchange and storage, programming and system communication to ensure cost savings — all of which make Johnson Controls a strategic partner for the airport.

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Energy efficiency
Piedad Gomez said the Metasys system makes it possible for airport staff to be in control of operational functions to increase the operation of energy efficiency. "Energy conservation in Eldorado is one of our top priorities," he said. "Our goal is to reduce energy use by 8% a year. We do this by programming the HVAC system and others to turn off when they are not in operation. The Metasys system allows us to do this automatically and, in turn, provides constant data updates and controls of the systems that staff need to minimize energy use, maintain operation and make equipment work to its full potential," he said. During the first stage of the project and the continuation to the second, the Johnson Controls team has a strong commitment to achieving the airport's continued goal of increasing energy efficiency. When the HVAC systems were installed in the first stage, the team selected YK York® chillers with variable speed motor for maximum efficiency operation. In addition, three 475-ton YK units and seven YLAA chillers were installed. The variable hole in the YK units allows them to operate at ambient temperatures below 13°C, a frequent feature of Bogotá. These elements play an important role in conserving energy. Johnson Controls was able to demonstrate to airport managers the performance and environmental advantages of using eco-friendly refrigerant unlike other types that are frequently used in Colombia. In addition, Johnson Controls presented the airport with a more economical air purification method that meets high performance standards.

Passenger care and safety
Passenger care is a matter of great importance to the administrators of Eldorado International Airport and Johnson Controls. This is demonstrated by the integration of the Metasys system and the airport's fire alarms. If a fire alert is received, the Metasys system instructs the HVAC system to turn off the fans and remove smoke in the affected areas to make evacuations easier. When the emergency is resolved, the systems automatically return to normal functions. In the terminal, there are five fire alarm control panels (IFPs), 989 smoke detectors, 282 heat detectors and two intelligent fire integrator (IFI) workstations that allow you to control systems from various suppliers through the display of terminal maps and event locators. This same level of detail was implemented for employee and passenger safety. Another team of security experts is located in its own command center, where Johnson Controls' P2000 security management system integrates access control, with 5,000 biometric and card readers and the CCTV system containing 676 cameras. Piedad Gómez expressed that he wants an integrated security system that meets the current needs of Eldorado and, in turn, has the flexibility to grow with the airport. "We are constantly working towards the safety of our employees and passengers," he said. "Johnson Controls' integrated systems help us meet that important goal. Now we can detect and react to situations much faster. In addition, the security system has the ability to grow and evolve as needs change. That's a fundamental factor for us." The Johnson Controls team is also responsible for managing the structured cabling that works for the building's safety and automation functions.

Technology Contracting
Throughout this project, a technology contracting model was implemented that reduces large initial expenses, guarantees quality and promotes innovation. In addition, it ensures integration between different disciplines, subsystems and technologies at the airport. According to the technology contracting model, Johnson Controls:
• Functions as the single point of contact with the customer.
• Lifecycle expenses and budget first.
• Eliminates infrastructure and system duplication.
• Combines individual systems into a single technology solution.
• Guides implementation to maximize efficiency and cost effectiveness. Johnson Controls began its relationship with the International Airport

Eldorado in 2008. At the time, it won a contract to provide (HVAC) equipment to the airport where Aerocivil, the Colombian government agency that oversees the country's aviation industry, operated. Johnson Controls also has its own building automation equipment. It is installed in the VIP lounges of Avianca, the airline of the Colombian air carrier and the airline that has operated for the longest time and uninterruptedly in the Western Hemisphere. Avianca operates from another terminal in Eldorado. Johnson Controls teamed up with its strategic partner SITA, the air transport communications and information technology specialist, to secure the contract for both stages of T2. SITA, which had already worked in Eldorado, provided 15 solutions in the new terminal. These include the infrastructure to put into operation 68 check-in counters, 30 door workstations and 40 self-service kiosks for passenger check-in, a Wi-Fi network, a public address system and visual information screen monitors. Some of these functions, such as public clocks located throughout the terminal, are integrated with the Metasys system.

Since beginning its work at Q2 in 2011, Johnson Controls has received a planned service agreement to maintain the building's safety, fire and automation systems. For this up to 10 technicians are needed on site at any one time. Johnson Controls provided the services and solutions necessary to make Eldorado International Airport's T2 comfortable, efficient and safe for all the passengers it receives annually. "Johnson Controls provided us with the expertise and advanced building management and also the safety and care solutions we needed to design, manage and maintain the type of facility we want to represent our country," he said. "All Colombians can be proud of what we have and will continue to achieve here at Eldorado International Airport."

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