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Geolit exposes its offer to future entrepreneurs in the renewable energy sector

The Geolit Science and Technology Park, located in Mengíbar (Jaén), hosts between Monday and Tuesday a training activity on employment and electricity, thanks to which it shows participants the possibilities they have to create a company once they finish their training and the advantages that the park presents for the installation of firms in the renewable energy sector.

As reported by Geolit, students of twelve projects of Workshop Schools, Craft Houses and Employment Workshops from different parts of the province of Jiennense are trained in energy efficiency, renewable energies and labor insertion, complementary topics to the development of the projects from which they come.

Specifically, the conference 'Electricity and Energy Efficiency vs Employment' are organized by the Ministry of Employment of the Junta de Andalucía, through the Promotion and Development Unit project, with the collaboration of the Provincial Council of Jaén and the Association of Professionals of Workshop Schools, Employment Workshops and Craft Houses (Apeteco).

The president of Apeteco, Miguel Ángel Colmenero, explained that these days will address hot springs related to energy and energy efficiency, as well as a block on business experiences. "We want to take advantage of the resources of the Provincial Council of Jaén and the Andalusian Employment Service to bring the entrepreneurial spirit to the students who will be present during these two days," he said.

- Publicidad -

For his part, the manager of Geolit, Jesús Muñoz stressed that the key to the meeting is to try to focus that the end of the training of these students is the creation of employment, since they can join a company or self-employ through the creation of their own entity. "It is very interesting that these students end up opting for this alternative and we want to remind them that Geolit is the best space they can find in Andalusia to install a company related to renewable energies, which is the area in which these days are registered," he said.

In fact, Geolit is a "benchmark in innovation and the use of clean energy, examples of this are the centralized air conditioning system that uses biomass as fuel and the photovoltaic panels that generate electricity installed in the parking lot", as he explained.


The presentations have been in charge of technicians of institutions such as the Energy Management Agency of the Provincial Council of Jaén (Agener), which has addressed the Municipal Energy Optimization plans, while those responsible for the Business Development Support Center (CADE), the Andalusian Federation of Cooperative Companies of Associated Work (Faecta) and the IDEA Agency have explained to the attendees useful tools and formulas for labor insertion and financing.

On the other hand, managers of the companies in the electricity sector Pilosur, Geotermia and Ilmex have shared their business experiences with the students. To end the conference, participants had the opportunity to visit the Geolit facilities, among which are two state-of-the-art facilities related to renewable energies: a centralized air conditioning system that uses biomass from the remains of the olive grove as fuel and a photovoltaic solar energy installation that takes advantage of the roof of the park's central car park. (EUROPA PRESS)

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