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RefriAmericas 2011 exceeded all expectations


The nearly 800 people who were present at the eighth version of RefriAméricas 2011 described as a total success the congress and leading commercial exhibition in the refrigeration industry in Latin America, which was held on June 16 and 17 in the city of Medellín.

More than 525 specialized attendees entered the commercial exhibition to be attended by a group of 92 professionals who were part of a group of international companies, which showed their most recent developments; In addition, 88 people participated in the academic congress offered by a panel of 12 speakers with extensive experience.

As the main novelty in 2011, the organization took a group of attendees to meet some companies such as Mimo's, Central Ganadera and Cultivo de Flores Sayonara, which in the city of Medellín or its surroundings have representative refrigeration systems. This initiative will continue in 2012.

- Publicidad -

Among attendees, speakers and exhibitors the reactions coincide when talking about RefriAméricas 2011. For example, the lecturer and exhibitor Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, from the Spanish company Frisaqués, commented on the matter that "the fair is very interesting because it is aimed only at professionals and that gives you the possibility of making contacts within your own field of action. We believe we have reached the goal."

About his conference, called "How to obtain and increase efficiency in the design of industrial refrigeration solutions?" he explained that the objective of it "was that they learn that there are a lot of systems, especially electronic management, that will allow to implement very important savings in the facilities of their customers, but that it is also very important to make a good initial design, because there are applications that can be done in existing facilities, but others cannot."

For his part, Alejandro Londoño, visitor of the Central Ganadera de Medellín, commented that "I found the event very interesting, especially for its academic and technical contents, since they enrich more the professional information of the attendees, I also saw very interesting topics in the commercial exhibition".

RefriAméricas 2012 will be held once again at the Plaza Mayor Convention Center in Medellin, Colombia, between June 21 and 22.

We invite you to enter here to see all the images of the 2011 edition.



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