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Subsidy of 2,300 euros to the first charging pole of electric vehicles of private initiative in Pamplona and Comarca

The Ezcaba de Villava gas station, located next to the Villava hotel on Pamplona Avenue (old Irún road, kilometer 4), has experimentally installed a battery recharging pole for electric vehicles, which has a subsidy of 2,300 euros from the Regional Executive. This pole is the first private action in favor of the electric vehicle in Pamplona and its region.

The Minister of Innovation, Business and Employment, José María Roig, inaugurated the new charging post, accompanied by the manager of the gas station and president of the Association of Entrepreneurs of Service Stations of Navarra, Iñaki Zozaya.

This pole uses the electricity generated at the same service station, through photovoltaic solar panels placed on the roof. The initiative involves the Navarrese companies Fluitecnik, manufacturer of the panels, and the engineering company Ingeteam, in charge of developing the pole.

Minister Roig stressed the importance of this initiative within the framework of the projects to promote renewable energies that have been promoted in Navarra and has also highlighted it as an example "of what an entrepreneur must do", which is to combine the "diversification" of his business with the commitment to "renew and offer added value" to the user.

- Publicidad -

"Electric mobility is a key element in the future of renewable energies and the generation of electricity in the same place where it is consumed is the concept for which we are betting," he said.

Zozaya, who so far has invested 5,000 euros in the placement of this pole and in the necessary electrical installation (through Anaiz Ezcaba S.L., the company that manages the gas station), seeks to demonstrate its economic viability in order to export the management model to the network of 71 stations integrated into the association throughout Navarre, as reported by the Government in a statement.

Currently, Pamplona has a network of electric vehicle charging poles as a result of an agreement between the Government of Navarra, the City Council of Pamplona and the company Acciona Energía, but in the case of the Ezcaba gas station it is the first private initiative of these characteristics.

This bet, added the Executive, responds to the interest of the Navarrese service stations to promote the electric vehicle taking advantage of the use of these clean and environmentally friendly energies and thus contributing to the improvement of it. In addition, in this way, the service stations anticipate the recharging needs of future users of electric vehicles and ensure their survival in a future in which it is not clear what fuel will end up being imposed on the rest.

With the installation of this pole, the Villava station has two objectives: on the one hand, to self-supply energy through solar panels; and, on the other hand, that the electricity sold to customers to recharge the battery of their vehicle is generated at the same station. An engineering study is currently assessing the viability of the project, analyzing the necessary radiation and the total investment it would entail.

Zozaya has reached an agreement with Fluitecnik to supply the photovoltaic panels of the charging post, as well as those of the station cover. In addition, it is studying the installation of an accumulator that concentrates the electrical energy from the sun, so that it is used in the fast loads of customers.


- Publicidad -

The electric vehicles are connected to the charging post through a single-phase plug of 220 W (with a nominal current of 16A), although the installation is prepared to have another three-phase output of 380 W. The rate has been set at three euros for every two hours of charging.

The pole, a stainless steel frame and a polyurethane front of 1.25 meters high, has a light sign that indicates if it is free (green), if it has responded to the personal card (yellow), if the load is in process (blue) or if it is damaged (red). To charge the battery, it is necessary to show a reader by proximity an RFID card for personal recharge that can be obtained at the same gas station.

At present, only one vehicle can be charged at a time for as long as the customer wishes, although with the accumulator it will be possible to make several loads at the same time. In addition, the station has an auxiliary power supply that allows it to remain active in the event of power supply losses.

Also, from next spring, the station will have available to customers an electric rental vehicle, a Peugeot ION, in order to bring the operation of this vehicle closer to the user. This car will be rented by the hour, at the price of 12 euros per hour. (EUROPA PRESS)

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