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Alstom will be one of the main suppliers of the Belo Monte hydroelectric plant in Brazil

Alstom has signed a contract of approximately 500 million euros with the Brazilian company Norte Energía to supply equipment to the Belo Monte hydroelectric complex, the third largest in the world. Built on the banks of the Xingu River, in the state of Pará, in northern Brazil, it will have a production capacity of 11,230 MW.

Alstom will lead a consortium formed by the German company Voith and the Austrian Andritz, in charge of supplying 14 Francis turbine-generator sets of 611 MW each and six Bulbo groups. Alstom, in particular, will supply seven Francis units, hydromechanical equipment and gas-insulated substations for the fourteen Francis units.

The construction of the Belo Monte plant will last 8 years and once completed will supply electricity to 35 million people.

Hydropower accounts for 85% of Brazil's electricity production. Alstom, present in the country for 55 years, has played an important role in the development of this production, as it has supplied products and services for hydraulic energy projects, such as Itaipu -the second largest hydroelectric plant in the world-, Tucuruí and more recently Jirau and Santo Antônio. Alstom has also participated in thermal power plant projects such as TermoBahia and Thyssenkrup CSA.

- Publicidad -

Over the past 10 years, Alstom has supplied more than 100 hydraulic turbines and generators to the Brazilian market and its equipment accounts for 35% of the country's installed hydroelectric capacity.

The president of Alstom Power, Philippe Joubert, said that "Alstom's cutting-edge technology continues to play an important role in Brazil, a country that currently seeks to secure its energy future by investing in renewable energies." "This contract is the result of Alstom's commitment to develop the best solutions in the field of renewable energy. The high performance of our turbines and generators, together with our company's grid technologies, maximize the efficiency of hydroelectric power plants," he added.

About Alstom.

Alstom is a world leader in infrastructure for the generation and transmission of electrical energy and rail transport, and a benchmark in innovative and environmentally friendly technologies. Alstom builds the world's fastest trains and the highest capacity automatic metro. Alstom supplies integrated turnkey solutions for power plants, as well as associated services, for a wide variety of energy sources including hydro, nuclear, gas, coal and wind. Alstom also supplies a wide range of solutions for the transmission of electrical energy, with a special focus on smart grids. The Group has 96,500 employees in 70 countries and achieved sales of €23 billion (pro forma data) in 2009/2010. (EUROPA PRESS)

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