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El Hierro will be the protagonist in media around the world

Posted on December 5, 2010

The El Hierro Hydroelectric Power Plant continues to be the focus of interest of the international media. The energy self-sufficiency project of the meridian island attracted journalists of different nationalities this week. This is the case of reporters from Italy, France, Korea or Germany, among others, who in recent days have known the initiative of Herreña in order to publish it in the different media they represent.

In a statement, the Island Council explained that on the one hand, an Italian team from the magazine 'Il sole 24 ore' visited Gorona del Viento El Hierro, as well as the advanced works of the Hydro-Wind Power Plant. The objective of the press trip is to publicize the project through an extensive report that will have an extensive photographic section.

The journalists were also interested in knowing other aspects of relevance of the Sustainability Plan carried out by the Cabildo de El Hierro in terms of Primary Sector or Tourism, and visited different educational centers attracted by the campaigns that in terms of environmental awareness and energy saving are carried out throughout the school year with the youngest on the island.

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On the other hand, a Korean press team belonging to the KBS Channel, filmed in El Hierro an extensive report that will be broadcast in January in one of the most popular networks in the country. The KBS Special program will reflect El Hierro's aspiration to be 100% self-sufficient with Renewable Energy. With the Central Hidroeólica as the epicenter, the documentary subtitled 'Blue Economy', will be completed with the different actions that are carried out on the Island in terms of Sustainability.

For this they had the dedication of the councilor of the Cabildo in this area, Javier Morales, as well as those responsible for the Institution in sectors such as Waste Management, Economy or Water Distribution, among others.


The history of water in El Hierro will be one of the topics discussed in depth by the KBS. The scarcity of the mineral suffered by the people of Herrera in past decades, the evolution of the Insular Hydrological Plan, as well as the water-energy binomial that represents the relationship between the guarantee of electricity supply and, in turn, of water from renewable sources thanks to the Hydro-Wind Power Plant, have aroused special interest among Korean journalists.

During their stay, the KBS cameras witnessed the methods of water production and supply to the herrena population from the hands of the manager of the Island Water Council, Juan Manuel Quintero.

To this is added the visit of Christine Teuthorn, from Berlin, of Bayerischer Rundfunk, belonging to the National Radio of Germany, or the contact established with the Journal des Energies Renouvelables, a publication that will be treated by the El Hierro Hydroelectric Power Plant next January.

All agree that the interest in the HIdroeólica Power Plant of El Hierro lies in the exemplary nature that this project can have for other territories. "Journalists continue to add examples to the reality that El Hierro is gaining weight and presence internationally.

They arrive attracted by the upcoming commissioning of the El Hierro Hydro-Wind Power Plant and want to make known the first island in the world capable of self-sufficiency with Renewable Energies, while expanding their work with the global Sustainability project that we are carrying out, "says the counselor Javier Morales.

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Likewise, the frequency of specialized press visits is growing, as well as the demand for information from private tourists who include Gorona del Viento in their travel plan.

"This translates into an increase in the tourist attractions that El Hierro offers abroad and a greater appreciation of visitors with respect to the wide range of natural, landscape, environmental and, now, scientific values that the island has," explains the president of the Cabildo of El Hierro and Gorona del Viento, Tomás Padrón. (EUROPA PRESS)

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