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Ávila says that the new photovoltaic standard "may end up favoring remarkably" Andalusia

Posted on December 2, 2010

The Minister of Economy, Innovation and Science, Antonio Ávila, has assured that the new state regulations on renewable energies "may end up significantly favoring the sector in Andalusia, especially in photovoltaic energy", and has advanced that an "effort" will be made to try to reduce administrative procedures in the sector.

In parliamentary appearance, he explained that Andalusia has greater solar radiation than in other regions and that the conditions developed by the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce in this regulation "make more profitable the photovoltaic installations that are made here".

Ávila underlined the Board's commitment to renewables, both from the perspective of impact on society in the environmental field, and for its contribution to the productive fabric. Thus, he recalled that the photovoltaic objectives set in the Andalusian planning for 2013 have been exceeded and he has valued "the job well done" in the matter.

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The Minister of Economy has affirmed that this photovoltaic regulation continues to support photovoltaic production lines, favoring those installed on roofs of smaller buildings, in which there is only a reduction of five percent. "These small facilities are very attractive to small residential investors," he adds.

In addition, it indicates that it has also wanted to maintain the trend of execution up to two megawatts on deck, with a reduction of 25 percent, "not only for residential spaces, but also industrial buildings, which contributes to value a large amount of surface available in a multitude of unused spaces".

Finally, he insists that research for wind and solar thermal is also supported, "which will allow advances in renewables". "We are also competitive in this area and with the effort that is being made from Andalusia this opportunity will be taken advantage of," he concludes.

In this context, the IULV-CA parliamentarian Pedro Vaquero del Pozo explains that this regulation responds "to a certain lack of support forecasts that have overflowed and has created an impossibility of maintaining the deficit that occurred for the state coffers."

"Without a doubt there has been a break in fotvoltaica and many facilities have had to stop producing and there have been job losses," warns the parliamentarian, who urges the Board to help facilitate the reduction of administrative procedures with Industry.

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