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WWF launches Solar Tour to demand that 50% of energy by 2020 be renewable

Posted on December 1, 2010

Fuente: Reuters

Source: Reuters

WWF has presented Solar Tour, which it carries out through the Spanish geography, to demand that 50 percent of the energy in 2020 be renewable on the occasion of the Cancun Climate Summit, according to the organization.

Thus, he points out that the objective of this initiative is to show the viability of the definitive implementation of renewable energies by 2020. Specifically, the organization proposes that by this date 50 percent of the total energy consumed and 80 percent of the electricity be of renewable origin.

Likewise, he explains that Solar Tour has stops at a wind farm, a biogas plant, a thermoelectric solar installation, a photovoltaic plant and, of course, the Special Regime Generation Control Center, in order to publicize the reality of the renewable industry in Spain.

- Publicidad -

In the same way, the organization has warned that the current energy infrastructures are "a barrier" to its development and that "in Spain there is a lack of an energy culture". Consequently, he considers that "it must not only be included in the political debate with a much higher profile, but also banish false myths." For example, that "renewable energies are responsible for the increase in electricity costs".

In that sense, he indicates that in the report 'Renewable Energies in Spain 2020: barriers and possible solutions' he offers the keys to achieve this goal. This study reveals that "energy planning with ambitious longer-term objectives, including, in addition, energy saving and efficiency, is essential". It also points out that "it is necessary to encourage technological development to reduce the costs of renewable energies and eliminate barriers to financing."

Finally, the director of Conservation of WWF, Enrique Segovia, has warned that "to curb climate change, a transformation of the energy model is essential, which involves the replacement of fossil fuels by renewable energies". (EUROPA PRESS)

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