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Pedro Marín meets with renewable employers to seek their complicity in the candidacy for Irena

The Secretary of State for Energy, Pedro Marín, received yesterday in his office of the Ministry of Industry the main representatives of the Spanish renewable energy sectors, to whom he has personally communicated his intention to present himself as a candidate for the general direction of the International Agency of Renewable Energies (Irena), as Europa Press has been able to know in Industry sources.

The meeting has been convened by the vice president of Secartis and vice president of DC Wafer, Juan Guerrero; the general secretary of Protermosolar, Luis Crespo, and the president of the Photovoltaic Business Association (AEF), Juan Laso.

Also present were the president of the Association of Renewable Energy Producers (Appa), José María González Vélez; the president of the Wind Business Association (AEE), José Donoso, and the general secretary of the Solar Association of the Thermal Industry, Pascual Polo.

Marín wanted to share his decision with the Spanish renewable sector, to which he has transmitted the message that occupying that position is a professional aspiration that would personally satisfy him a lot, so it was he himself who transmitted his desire to lead Irena to Minister Miguel Sebastián, who understood the opportunity that was presented and accepted his proposal, explain the sources.

- Publicidad -

The Secretary of State for Energy reminded his interlocutors during the meeting that Spain, and himself representing the country, have been present from the very moment of the creation of Irena, especially in the Constitutive Assembly, when the headquarters in Abu Dhabi and the interim director were chosen. Therefore, Marín knows well the genesis and operation of the agency because he has followed the process very closely.

The call process for candidacies will open in the coming days and Marín will redouble his efforts to be elected. "I am going to prepare my candidacy with great enthusiasm, with great interest and, of course, I will fight it to the end," he said during the meeting.


The head of Industry justified this commitment in that Irena is an organization called to play an essential role in the world's energy and environmental future and in which country it would also be very interesting for the country to have a Spanish at the head of an institution of this projection.

The election process will still last a few months and the final election will be held in April, in a General Assembly in which 150 countries will vote, to which only four candidates will arrive after a previous elimination process. (EUROPA PRESS)

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