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Organic Christmas: Evergreen Christmas Trees

A Christmas tree is a generator of happiness, it is one of the essential parts of our Christmas holidays. The tree always has to witness the best of each person, moments of giving and receiving, moments of illusion and wonder, innocence and joy.

What if all that energy of giving and receiving that is already present, we spread it and keep it burning and make it even stronger. Why cut when we can take care, why cut it down when we can give it more life and make it bigger, leafier and with more oxygen for everyone. What if this year instead of cutting it we let it be evergreen.

A Christmas tree takes between 7 and 9 years to reach an average of 1.70 meters in height, it is from this moment when it most helps to convert CO2 into oxygen, let's not truncate its mission and let it be evergreen.

The tree is not cut, we take it from the ground with all the care so that its roots remain intact.

- Publicidad -

The people of Siempre Verde take it to the door of your house, office or that of some other point where you want to take care of it within the D.F. Mexico, in the first 7 days of the month of December
They remove it 7 days after January 6 so that it can continue with you when the Kings arrive
They are in charge of replanting and reforesting it.
If you are interested, there is the option to adopt your evergreen

Sizes and Prices

Evergreen Commitment to an Ecological Christmas:

Deliver the tree the first 7 days of December at the address indicated (within the D.F.)
Remove the tree within 7 days after January 6
Replant the tree in the forest or in your home in case of adoption

Your Commitment:

Take care of the tree and water it according to the instructions given to you, while it is under your care
Deliver the tree in the indicated period or cover the costs in case of adoption

Sizes and Prices

- Publicidad -

Small Evergreen: 50 – 70 centimeters $ 550.00 m.n.
Medium Evergreen: 1.55 – 1.70 meters $1,000.00 m.n. (with pot measures 2.00 m)
Large Evergreen: 1.71 – 1.85. meters $1,200.00 m.n. (with pot measures 2.20 m)
* Adoption Option of your evergreen (medium and large) $200.00 m.n.

For more information: Email: [email protected] Contact: Juan Carlos Cortina Phone: 04455-4055-5511

arboles de navidad ecologicos siempre verde

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