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REPLACE THE BOILER... or do something better...

If your boiler has symptoms of fatigue and begins to fail, in that case there is an economic and energy saving problem. What to do ?  The simple replacement of the boiler? or integration with solar panels, for example? Should we check the insulation?. The answer is not simple, these tips will be of interest to you, in the process of deciding.

1) Borróny new account and the concept of heating: tempting, but complicated!

The advantage of making a blur is being able to answer the question.  If I have electric heating ... I go to gas heating, I also integrate it with solar hot water?.  Can I replace my windows and my ventilation system in parallel? , for what? .Heating with emitters lowers temperature by underfloor heating ?  Electric or hot water? . And thermal insulation? , I can't let the insulating layer of my house deteriorate. Yes, but it's expensive.
In short, this "clean slate", although very tempting, is a nightmare that forces you to think and shows the difficulties of deciding between the different options and making decisions.

2) Reflection "energy efficiency"

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Reflexión eficiencia energética

Any part of the budget and its level of funding and reimbursement opportunities are important in your decision. The objective either in the short or long term is linked to the fact that any loan will probably cost you some interest (except for the renewal aid that is in force, for example)

The choice of the previous partner, BUDGET + OBJECTIVE, is easier.

You should simply swap out your boiler for a boiler of the same power but more efficient, at a minimum, or switch to a gas or oil condensing boiler. The investment will then be minimal with a short-term approach.

If you are in a long-term approach and want to add additional value in the next 20 years to the premises in question, good insulation with economical ventilation is imposed, since it is necessary to reduce losses to consume less with equipment with lower energy consumption. So, with a boiler that uses renewable energy such as solar thermal, Domestic Hot Water with thermodynamic energy will be a measurable and controllable option. Regulation with precise programming will provide comfort and energy savings. No doubt you will be in a position to renew your heating system, meeting the requirements of Energy Efficiency, more natural and in the most logical.

3) Boiler replacement: it's the minimum!


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The replacement of the boiler is a first act that should not be judged pejoratively, because, almost always, it responds to a need for immediate repair. It can be like an immediate action in the face of the forecast of rigorous winter and a boiler at the end of its life.

Beyond the short-term approach, this situation is urgent, which requires a quick investment and the purchase of a boiler in an emergency, either during the summer if the individual has been foresighted, or in winter.

My advice is to ask for at least a condensing boiler, which works with natural gas, propane or fuel.

It is a generator that provides yields above 100% and recovers heat from combustion fumes, especially if the heating returns are cold (then condensation occurs).

The choice of condensing boiler will also be interesting for the different evolutions of the house or residence:

- The future application of low temperature emitters for underfloor heating

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- Subsequent integration with solar panels

4) I am associated with a renewable energy such as solar energy

This is the second stage of the journey that will take you to the planet "low energy renewal". Solar thermal energy will always be a free supply of energy for your hot water consumption to be taken into account in a heating replacement. Each kWh kWh solar is a kWh gas, oil or electricity that is not paid, with uncertainty producing energy prices in the next 20 years. Yes, it is an investment of 15 or 20 years, which breaks the conventional idea that is heard very often "solar energy is not profitable in less than 8 years!". The automatic answer now is "is the investment in your pool profitable? Is the hidden heating of your living room cost-effective? How long? Consider tax subsidies on solar energy up to 50%

Note also that solar energy requires a relatively large storage space (Solar Accumulator).

5) Don't forget to insulate and ventilate!

So-called high energy efficiency equipment goes hand in hand with a high-performance environment. Thermal insulation will preserve thermal losses and minimize heating needs, regardless of the type of your installations, and this for about 30 to 50 years of the life of your building and infrastructure.

Instalador calefaccion

Certainly, the investment will continue to grow when I replace the windows, the exterior doors, the insulation on my floor, the insulation of the walls, ....

Always with a combination with the sealing of the thermal envelope that reduces losses in such a way that mechanical ventilation is presented as mandatory, as well as the reversal of the replacement of windows in the first place. The choice of ventilation operation will be produced from the VMC concepts of single flow with low energy consumption motor, VMC of single hydroregulable flow (variable flows), VMC of double flow with heat recovery, ...

6) Regulation: do nothing without counting on it!

A renovation with an insulated building and ventilation with good performance is a sign of low consumption. Attention "zero" consumption does not exist; for example, hot water will always be available and this every day and probably every day more.

Home equipment must be more reactive, conserve expensive energy, and favor renewable energies in a picture of energy efficiency and less pollution. When should I relieve my boiler by a heat pump? At what point is my thermodynamic hot water most effective? Is solar energy always a priority or is it too early to change the boiler? ...

Only precise regulation will allow this energy optimization.

It should be completed with proper human management, which allows you to restart heating remotely, limit the temperature of the rooms during the night ... then you will once again be on the path of the so-called low consumption management of your home.

REEMPLAZAR LA CALDERA…o hacer algo mejor…

REEMPLAZAR LA CALDERA…o hacer algo mejor…REEMPLAZAR LA CALDERA…o hacer algo mejor…REEMPLAZAR LA CALDERA…o hacer algo mejor…REEMPLAZAR LA CALDERA…o hacer algo mejor…REEMPLAZAR LA CALDERA…o hacer algo mejor…Caldera0Caldera1Caldera2Caldera3Caldera4Caldera5Caldera6Caldera7Caldera8Caldera901

See original.

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