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How to save Domestic Hot Water

Insulate your heat pipes, especially if they run through unheated spaces. Install yourself or hire an installer, a foam insulation, Armaflex type, around your hot water system. And if you can make some small changes to get the tubes running through the house's own heating space, you won't waste calories uselessly! Take a shower instead of a bath, it is a simple habit, it is fast and efficient in terms of savings. In addition, if you can replace the "normal" tap with a tap with a mixing valve and you can save 10%. You can go further, placing a thermostatic taps (the temperature is predefined, for example, to 30 degrees, and you should not do it every time you shower), the savings can even reach 30%.

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Remember to use "water savers" that fit faucets and showers.  Some quality appliances, for the same comfort, save up to 50% of water and, consequently, 50% of the energy if the water is hot. These equipment are amortized in 2 or 3 months ... why not use them? If your water heater is electric, peak hours should be scheduled. These are almost twice as expensive as normal hour calls.  And if you need more capacity, consider the possibility of a "solar" support, and in the economic aids of solar energy equipment! If your boiler only works in summer to supply hot water, the yields are worse. In this case, solar collectors with reinforcement of an electric accumulator should be considered, for example. The collectors will also be used in winter and you can turn off your boiler throughout the summer! A boiler or heater of combustion water (gas, oil) that is in poor condition is a fuel consuming element. Please check the combustion efficiency of your boiler and perform regular maintenance for maximum performance. The efficiency of the boiler can be reduced up to 50% or less, if the installation is poorly maintained or regulated. Attention to corrosion and the performance of your water heater. Decalcify the installation every 2 to 3 years with the help of a professional. If your electric water heater is more than 20 years old, you should consider replacing it. Make sure your faucets are tightly closed! A tap that loses drop by drop causes a loss of 2 to 4 liters of water per hour, more than 30,000 liters / year. In addition to the price of water, it is a total loss of energy, in the case of hot water discharged into wastewater. Prefer showers to bathrooms, showers consume 3 times less water, hot and cold. Use water economizers.  They save up to 50% of the consumption of faucets that are equipped with them.Cómo ahorrar Agua Caliente SanitariaCómo ahorrar Agua Caliente SanitariaCómo ahorrar Agua Caliente SanitariaCómo ahorrar Agua Caliente SanitariaCómo ahorrar Agua Caliente SanitariaCómo ahorrar Agua Caliente SanitariaCómo ahorrar Agua Caliente SanitariaCómo ahorrar Agua Caliente SanitariaCómo ahorrar Agua Caliente SanitariaCómo ahorrar Agua Caliente Sanitaria0Cómo ahorrar Agua Caliente Sanitaria1Cómo ahorrar Agua Caliente Sanitaria2Cómo ahorrar Agua Caliente Sanitaria3Cómo ahorrar Agua Caliente Sanitaria4Cómo ahorrar Agua Caliente Sanitaria5Cómo ahorrar Agua Caliente Sanitaria6Cómo ahorrar Agua Caliente Sanitaria7

Authors: Javier Gainza

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