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New success of the technical conference 'Everything at variable flow'

More than 200 professionals attended the technical conference "Everything at variable flow" organized by Carrier Spain, Tour & Andersson-Pneumatex and Wilo Ibérica, which was held in Barcelona, to publicize the latest technical advances in water distributions at variable flow, a system that is having more specific weight in HVAC facilities.

After the excellent reception of the technical conference held in Madrid in mid-June, the organizing companies decided to transfer the experience to other Spanish cities, starting with Barcelona.

The significant development of variable flow distributions is mainly due to the need to optimize energy efficiency. The constant cold water drive temperature, the saving of pumping energy and the simultaneity factor of use, offer important advantages over conventional distributions at constant flow.

Given the growing demand for variable flow facilities, the three companies, known for their training work and cutting-edge technological leaders, have organized a joint day in which all technical aspects are analyzed, from the points of view of production, distribution and balancing, and pressurization in this type of circuits.

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Pedro Cantarela, director of marketing and business development of Carrier Iberia, says: "We are very satisfied with the great reception that these days have had, which are part of Carrier's policy of betting on continuous training for professionals in the sector. The new variable flow systems perfectly meet the demands of today's HVAC system: energy efficiency, reliability, and environmentally friendly."

The different presentations, aimed at consulting engineers and professionals in the installation and commissioning of hydraulic distribution systems, focused on three topics of great interest led by managers of the three companies: Variable Flow in production units (Josep Thomas, from Carrier Spain), Pumping systems in single-loop circuits (Christian Keller, by Wilo Ibérica), and Solutions for balancing and maintenance of pressure in variable flow systems (Antonio Asensio and José Vílchez, from Pneumatex-Tour&Andersson).

The seminar, held at the Casa Convalescència – Aula Magna of the UAB in Barcelona, was attended by Mr. Joan Vidal i Rull, President of ACTECIR (Catalan Association of Technicians in Energy, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration) who was in charge of the opening and closing of the event, as well as the moderation of the colloquium that later took place.

About Carrier Corp.
Carrier Corp. is the world leader in high-tech refrigeration, air conditioning and heating. Carrier's experts provide sustainability solutions, integrating energy efficiency products, construction controls and energy services for residential, commercial, retail, transportation and food service customers. Founded by the inventor of modern air conditioning, Carrier improves the world around us through innovation in engineering and care for the environment. Carrier is part of United Technologies Corp., a leading international supplier to the aerospace and construction systems sectors.

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Authors: Air Conditioning

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