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Olimpia Splendid sells 80% more in portable air conditioning

Olimpia Splendid vende un 80% ms en aire acondicionado portatilOlimpia Splendid Ibérica, a subsidiary of this leading Italian company in the air conditioning sector, has taken stock of the summer season with very positive data for its portable air conditioning family, which has experienced an increase in sales of 80%, and a global turnover of air conditioning 47% higher than that of 2009.

This company has presented partial results that predict a significant increase in sales and turnover at the end of the year, since during the first eight months of 2010 it has managed to increase its turnover by 47.2%, highlighting the consolidation of its range of portable air conditioners, whose sales have increased by 80%.

Pedro Fidalgo, Managing Director of Olimpia Splendid believes that "this year's sales figures highlight the importance that the consumer has given to efficiency, energy classification A and the respect that the company has for the environment".

So far this year the sales of all the air conditioning families that this company sells (fixed and portable air conditioners) have registered significant growth. In the case of laptops, it is the family with the largest increase in sales volume, followed by "Inverter" air conditioners (splits, multisplits,...), of which 30% of sales are concentrated in the new air conditioner, Unico Inverter DC (launched this season within the framework of Casa Decor Madrid) and that, In addition to eliminating the visual pollution of the facades by eliminating the unsightly outdoor unit, it saves more than 30% of energy and is double energy class A.

Olimpia Splendid Ibérica, a subsidiary of this leading Italian company in the air conditioning sector, has the confidence of renowned Spanish companies, installers and storekeepers, as well as the main distribution chains in our country (El Corte Inglés and Media Markt, among others). It produces and markets a wide range of air conditioning systems for domestic and professional use, with a modern design and cutting-edge technology.
One of the most important objectives of Olimpia Splendid is that all its equipment guarantees greater energy savings and respects the environment. That is why all its air conditioners are energy class A (the best for high performance and low consumption) and only use ecological gases, which take care of the environment and do not damage the ozone layer.

- Publicidad -

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