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The Junta de Andalucía finalizes the Renove Air Conditioning Plan

The Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Science, through the Andalusian Energy Agency, has completed the 2009-2010 call for the Renove Plan of Household Appliances for the replacement of air conditioning equipment by more efficient ones, from which a total of 17,426 Andalusian families have benefited and have received an incentive of 3,680,682 euros.

The province that has registered the highest number of grants is Seville, with 7,293 and an incentive of 1.52 million euros. It is followed by Córdoba with 3,164 and an aid of 624,018 euros, Jaén with 1,565 approved applications and an incentive of 344,761 euros and Malaga with 1,534 renovated air conditioning equipment that have received an incentive of 360,355 euros.

In the province of Granada, the incentive has been paid for 1,520 devices that have received 337,828 euros; while in Cádiz there have been 1,003 Andalusians who have replaced their team and have received 207,735 euros, in Almeria there have been 959 who have already received 199,935 euros of incentive and in Huelva there have been 388 renewed teams that have received an aid of 80,406 euros.

The incentive offered through the Renove Appliances Plan has financed up to 25 percent of the cost of the device, with a maximum of 300 euros per equipment changed. The renewal of this equipment by others of class 'A', will allow an energy saving for the autonomous community of 3.4 million KWh / year.

The number of businesses adhered to in this fourth edition of the Renove Air Conditioning Plan, which have been adequately identified with the badges provided by the Andalusian Energy Agency, reached 1,659, distributed throughout the different Andalusian provinces. In this way, Seville had 383 establishments, Malaga with 260, 254 in Córdoba, 214 establishments in Jaén, 172 in Cádiz, in Granada 157 shops joined, 126 in Almería and finally, in the province of Huelva, 93.

- Publicidad -

The participating establishments have been in charge of submitting the incentive application on behalf of the citizen, who has received the Renove discount at the same time of purchase. The replaced appliances have been removed by the trade at no cost to the buyer, who has deposited them in a clean point.

Some 150,000 beneficiaries

The closure of the air conditioning phase puts an end to the Plan Renove de Electrodomésticos 2010, after almost ten months in which the Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Science has made available to Andalusians so far 15.1 million euros in aid for the change of appliances both white range (refrigerators, freezers, washing machines, dishwashers and ovens) as well as air conditioning, for which they have received an incentive of between 70 and 125 euros.

Thus, a total of 148,840 Andalusians have changed their less efficient equipment for others of class 'A' or higher, which will mean an overall saving for the Autonomous Community of 33,750 MWh per year and will avoid the emission of 12,440 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere.

The Renove Plan for Household Appliances 2009-2010 is part of the agreement signed with the Institute for the Diversification and Saving of Energy (IDEA), to promote energy efficiency in sectors such as the domestic sector.

The appliance that has changed the most in Andalusian homes has been the washing machine –-the second largest consumer of energy in a home--, with 47 percent of the requests received (70,393). It has been followed by the refrigerator, with 20 percent, which has meant the change of 29,124 devices; and in third place, the dishwasher with 18,827 and 13% of the requests for incentives.

On the other hand, the replacement of air conditioning equipment has been requested by 17,426 Andalusians, 12 percent; the ovens represent six of the requests and have been changed by 8,694 Andalusian families; while freezers are in last place with 4,376 requests, three percent of the total.

- Publicidad -

In the provincial distribution, the highest number of applications has been located in Seville, with 38,150, and Malaga, with 23,778. It is followed by Cádiz, with 21,622; Córdoba, with 19,991 applications; Grenada, with 15,752; Jaén, with 11,970; Almeria, with 8,933; and Huelva, with 8,644 applications.

The Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Science, through the Andalusian Energy Agency, is already working on the implementation of the Renove Plan for Household Appliances 2011, with which it is expected to repeat the success of previous calls that have shown an outstanding interest of Andalusian citizens in their commitment to efficiency and energy saving through the replacement of household appliances.

Authors: Air Conditioning

See original.

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