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Innovative products in Air Conditioning '09

info-ene-climatizacionAir conditioning '09, International Exhibition of Air Conditioning, Heating, Ventilation and Refrigeration, which will be held between February 24 and 27, 2009 at the Feria de Madrid reaches its thirteenth edition this year. The exhibition brings together more than 1000 firms in the sector in a total of 100,000 m2 and again brings with it the Innovation Gallery, whose objective is to give a decisive support of communication and promotion to the most innovative products, as well as to disseminate the research and development work that the different companies have been carrying out.

In total 18 products were selected to be part of this gallery that in general terms have an innovative character and a high commitment to sustainability, energy efficiency and respect for the environment. Below is a summary of some of them.

Airlan presents the Intelligent Defrost System which allows to solve in an ingenious way this technical problem of the heat pump by discriminating if the presence of ice in the outer battery is real, performing defrost cycles when they are strictly necessary. With it, heat pumps obtain 5-10% energy efficiency and 10-15% more cooling capacity.

The Water Cooled Area module of the company Area, which is easily mounted on the traditional refrigeration cabinet makes it an integrated compressor refrigerator. The module uses a horizontal scroll compressor, a water condenser and is completed by a dry cooler. It is quick to install, minimal refrigerant charge and improves energy consumption.
For its part, Baxi Heating exhibits Ecogen which is a wall-mounted boiler that produces 1 Kw of electricity while supplying heat and hot water to the installation. With this product the main beneficiary is the environment thanks to the fact that the efficiency of the Ecogen micro-cogeneration boiler is 90%.

Aquaciat Grand Inverter is the novelty of Ciatesa; a compact reversible air-water heat pump with inverter technology in its components. Its application extends to office buildings, administration, commerce, hotels and residences. This product provides the reduction of electricity consumption and a continuous adjustment of the real needs of the installation that are, in 95% of cases, less than the nominal capacity of the equipment.

The ClimateMaster units of the Tranquility THW range are presented by Climate Master. They are water-water heat pumps of very high efficiency, not reversible (only heat) to connect networks of fancoils or underfloor heating, even low temperature emitters. They are ideal for residential installations where high efficiency is required in space heating and in the production of domestic hot water with a low annual energy cost.

- Publicidad -

Cointra's Microtop Thermostatic Solar gas water heater offers a variety of benefits to the user such as precise DHW temperature selection and electronic thermostatic regulation that allows only the necessary amount of gas to be consumed to maintain the selected temperature, enabling savings in gas consumption of 20% and water consumption of up to 35%.

Daikin presents the Conveni Pack system ideal for use in all types of commercial areas. It is a system that with a single outdoor unit provides cooling at high and low temperature reusing the surplus energy to air condition the premises (air conditioning / heating). With this product you get up to 50% energy savings, in addition to the reuse of it.

Evolution Solar 30 FD is an innovation of Domusa Calefacción S. Coop, is a hybrid thermal group that uses solar energy as the main heat source and diesel as a support for the production of domestic hot water. It also offers heating service using condensation technology.


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