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Cutting the cord

Measuring temperature accurately is a prerequisite for meeting the control expectations of users and building managers, so the location of temperature sensors is critical for optimal measurement. Installation difficulties can make sensor location difficult, compromising the cost, quality, and delivery time of the project. Today wireless technology is evolving rapidly. Previous concerns regarding reliability, battery life, and cost have been enhanced to the point where wireless technology is an alternative to traditional sensors for common applications. The result is that today there are several wireless zone sensors available on the market. According to a market study conducted by Frost & Sullivan, by the end of 2008 the volume of wireless sensors installed in the United States will be close to the number of existing wired sensors. The renovations are among the facilities that benefit most  from these devices. Wireless technology solves many of the initial difficulties during installation and allows for very low-cost sensor relocation when the space is reconfigured.

by Jim Kohl*

Problems solved by Wireless technology Wireless technology can overcome three common problems: change in floor layout, difficult or delicate architecture, and high-risk projects. Change in the distribution of the flats Properties for leasing, supermarkets or stores and any other space where the plans or distribution are frequently modified and where it is required to throw new cables and make new finishes in the desired location. Wireless sensors eliminate the cost of relocating sensors. This cost is represented not only in expenditure on materials but in the saving of time and flexibility in implementation. Perhaps the most obvious situation, where wireless sensors solve problems, is when they have to be moved. Photocopiers, refrigerators, and other common appliances or office equipment installed near sensors can cause inaccurate measurement. The initial location may not necessarily represent the best place to measure temperature. Wireless sensors allow them to be located with minimal cost and effort. Among the facilities with the greatest benefit obtained with the use of wireless technology are the remodeling. Wireless sensors solve many of the initial installation difficulties and when the space is reconfigured, they allow them to be relocated very easily and at very low cost. Complicated architecture Architectural design and structure can pose a challenge to wiring for multiple reasons. Among the complicated materials to work with are walls with stone coating, concrete or brick walls and stained glass. In very large spaces such as chain warehouses or in large spaces but with divisions in panels that do not allow the installation of sensors in the area, the sensors must be installed on a wall normally far from the optimal point for an accurate temperature measurement. Other buildings that offer a challenge for wiring are those that are considered historical heritage in which it is not possible to wire. {mospagebreak} High-risk projects Unanticipated surprises can cause delays, often having to redo sections of the project. These represent a great risk especially when you have short delivery times. In addition to potential loss of time, there may also be risks of finding toxic materials, this risk is high in old buildings. With wireless sensors, hidden or unknown or high-risk materials such as asbestos do not have to be punctured or removed. What does the future hold for sensors and control systems? With a very fast adoption curve and resulting economies of scale, the cost of wireless solutions for building control systems, including sensors, is expected to tend to fall. At the same time, investment in the development of new wireless technologies is very high. The industry is investing in solutions that make integration easy. Additionally, solutions such as interoperable protocols including Zigbee and technologies that harvest energy from the environment promise to offer open, interoperable and battery-free solutions in the not too distant future. Conclusion Wireless sensors are a very viable solution for replacing wired equipment, especially in remodeling. With the advantages they offer during installation and in the reliability in control, it is expected that very soon wireless sensors will be the default solution included in all projects where it is expected to have periodic or future adaptations of existing spaces. When any of the situations described in the attached checklist arise, the designer or building manager should ask the supplier of their control systems for a wireless solution. Considering that today the cost of wireless sensors is equivalent to the cost of installing a wired sensor, designers  should consider and evaluate their use as an alternative when the slightest indication of their feasibility is presented, both in remodeling and in new construction.

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