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Growth in the compressor market continues to be agile

The Latin market in the last twelve months has shown considerable interest in the use of compressors whose re-manufacture quality meets the requirements established by the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer), moving away from the previously common practice of "buy cheap" which put at risk the quality and image of remanufactured products.

In addition, the results were very good during 2007 and the trend is expected to continue, of course not at the levels of China or India but there are very positive signs that growth will continue in the region.

During the past two or three years, Latin America has reached an economic stability that has allowed the compressor market to be placed in a constant growth, with the possibility of doing something that was previously impossible for any company that wanted to enter the region and that was the planning of a sales map.

The main change that occurred, in relation to 2006, was  the possibility of a mental transformation in the buyers of the region since in most of the Latin market today prioritizes the quality, service, competitiveness and support that recognized companies provide to the industry. This change has boosted sales in a positive way, allowing manufacturers in the region to position themselves as an excellent option for the supply of compressors in the air conditioning and refrigeration industry. It is important to emphasize that for most suppliers of quality compressors, it is essential that our markets learn to protect their image, saving intelligently, always supplying the best and keeping up with the developments of the  competitive industry that surrounds them.

The great challenge to consolidate this trend is presented  in terms of energy savings and in line with air conditioning and refrigeration systems; definitely the conservation of the environment is a great reality and every time we see this nearer future in which the openings of markets, the signing of free trade agreements,  are a trigger for world regulations to begin to have much more strength.

- Publicidad -

We must not forget,  of course, that the possible recession of the United States economy with the already delicate reports of two giants in financial matters CitiBank  and Merrill Lynch and the consequent  falls of the North American and Latin American stock markets, could overshadow a little the growth expectations of Latin American countries , however, growth expectations remain good as the presidents of the different nations have affirmed to various media.

Finally, the construction boom, the development of agribusiness and the increased investments in large surface projects are tending to be of marked importance in the expansion of the business.

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