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Copeland Announces Partnership with Food Retail Solutions Specialist


Mexico. Copeland officially announced its alliance in Mexico with the company Flō Energy Solutions, a specialist with 25 years of experience in offering innovative and sustainable solutions for humidity and temperature control within food stores and supermarkets.

With this alliance, which in principle covers the Mexican and Central American markets, Copeland explains that an interesting synergy is created that will expand its offer of solutions and technologies for energy saving and human comfort through Flō Energy Solutions, which becomes an additional advantage for the customer specialized in the refrigeration market. who will save money in terms of consumption, energy efficiency, installation and maintenance.

Flō Energy Solutions' units are powered by Copeland's digital scroll and variable speed compressors, and it is integrated into Copeland's existing control and monitoring solutions that together will allow optimal work of the store's AC equipment to provide energy savings and provide a unique experience of environmental comfort to customers during their purchases.

These solutions, which reduce the use of tons of cooling by 20%, considerably reduce the weight of rooftop units, and generate significant savings in construction costs, are known as DOAS+ with Adaptive Multi-Path Technology, and are the result of extensive research and development processes, designed and built by supermarket experts.

This patented design from Flō Energy Solutions, consolidates the benefits of dedicated outdoor air systems (DOAS) and indoor recirculating roof units (RTUs) into a single unit. Particularly effective in humid climates where other units are more prone to failure, this all-in-one system automatically adjusts to changes in stores.

"The purpose of this alliance is to offer supermarkets human comfort, maintain and improve the operation of refrigeration equipment, support the sale of food to keep it fresh and in better condition, which helps it sell better," said Roberto Ramírez, Copeland's sales director for North Latin America. "Flō Energy Solutions units are responsible for temperature and humidity control that positively impact people and their shopping experience and at the same time impact food and refrigeration equipment inside the store, since humidity can generate corrosion and other problems. These Flō Energy Solutions units intelligently adapt to better manage temperature and humidity."

Alex Radovan, Vice President of Global Sales at Flō Energy Solutions, highlighted the most important aspects of this partnership: "We understand that Copeland has a growing service business and that they have a lot of experience in the food retail market because of refrigeration controls. For us, this alliance means an expansion of our geographical coverage in Latin America. We needed a talented partner who knew the market and offered more value in the food industry. They have extensive experience in providing refrigeration controls for the food industry, compressors and control components for mechanical systems, which are included in our units, which allows us to offer equipment that helps optimize the environment of a food store."

These solutions are currently available for the Mexican and Central American territory, and to date they have already been implemented in twelve stores of three different supermarket chains; one of these recognized as the largest in Mexico. The alliance is expected to expand later to have full coverage in Latin America.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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