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The CEDIS of Hermosillo has a customized cooling solution

Solución de refrigeración en el CEDIS Hermosillo

Mexico. Grupo Refrigerantes installed in the Food Distribution Center, located in Hermosillo (Sonora) and better known as CEDIS Hermosillo, a refrigeration solution composed of devices of the BOHN, Ternium and EVCO brands.

The project in this CEDIS was conceived from scratch, adjusting to the needs of the end customer, who was responsible for indicating their requirements where he specified that the systems should be independent so that they worked better and reduce the risk factor, in case there is any failure not all the cooling of the center is affected.

Now, as for the electronic control devices, EVCO commented that the client installed its own control devices, but when receiving advice on the benefits provided by this brand, it opted for its offer, since in addition to being compatible with its monitoring system they will serve as a safeguard in case of having an eventuality with its controllers.

Installed equipment
This facility occupied from November 2022 to February of this year (2023), occupying an assembly of 3,355 m² of panel that was destined for three different spaces, the freezing chamber, the refrigeration chamber and the pre-chamber.

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In addition, the project also included the mechanical and electrical installation required in the 7 projected systems; the installation of two 110 HP double compressor condensing units for medium temperature and two 112 HP compressors for low temperature.

Project Areas
As previously explained there were three areas involved in the project. So, to better understand the complexity of this, it is necessary to understand each one and its particular requirements.

Zona de refrigeración

First, there was the freezing chamber with measures of 38.18 meters long x 13.73 meters wide x 11.00 meters high, which required an operating temperature of -26 ° C, to achieve this two double coil evaporators and two condensing units with double cooling system were selected, along with two EVCO brand electronic temperature control devices for a total volume of 5724 cubic meters.

On the other hand, the refrigeration chamber, with measures of 26.52 meters long, 6.79 meters wide and 11.00 meters high, demanded an operating temperature of 1 ° C, so that in this area an evaporator, a condensing unit and an EVCO electronic temperature control device were selected, for a total volume of 1980 cubic meters.

Finally, the prechamber, which occupied an area of 20.27 meters long, 16.39 meters wide and 11.00 meters high, was an area that demanded to guarantee an operating temperature of 2 ° C, hence four evaporators, two condensing units and an EVCO electronic temperature control device were installed, to cover a total volume of 3654 cubic meters.

Control EVCO

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Choice of technology and benefits
Something important about this installation is that from the client's specifications calculations were made to strictly satisfy the needs raised. From these calculations, the aforementioned equipment was chosen, which "provides the solution required for the optimal functioning of the areas located in the project".

Likewise, Grupo Refrigerantes indicated that thanks to the support of the manufacturers, "there was no technical or logistical difficulty, everything flowed in a timely manner." This support consisted of advice, around the theme of heat transmission, by Ternium; BOHN's orientation around condensing and evaporator units; and, finally, the accompaniment that EVCO generated on all the concerns regarding the electronic temperature controller.

Control temperatura EVCO

The customer stated that he was satisfied with the performance of the BOHN equipment installed, since they cover all the required operating needs; the units use the air-cooled condenser of the patented floating tube design and offering a comprehensive guarantee against leakage, in the parts of the headers and supports of the center in addition to high efficiency Copeland disk compressors, they also have a wide space under the condenser section of the unit allowing ease of service, It can also be done without disconnecting the power supply to the unit."

Espacio refrigerado CEDIS Hermosillo

Work team

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Heriberto IturbideAccording to Heriberto Iturbide, Sales Manager of CONCEN Cooling & Heat, EVCO distributor, the final result is the product of the contribution of a group of collaborators among whom manufacturers and the Grupo Refrigerantes work team, in charge of the executive project, influenced. From there they wanted to highlight the work of those involved in the development of this facility. Pedro Hernández Mondragón, Arturo Villagómez Enríquez and Araceli Sandín Pérez, who made up the main work team; Carlos Miguel Fierro Ramírez, in charge of execution; Norberto Duran Rodríguez and Araceli Sandín Pérez, in charge of supervision.

Project data sheet
Installation firm: Grupo Refrigerantes.
Manufacturers involved: BOHN, Ternium, EVCO
Company or place covered with the installation: CEDIS Hermosillo, Sonora
Installation dates: November 2022 to February 2023

Iris Montoya Ricaurte
Author: Iris Montoya Ricaurte
Periodista con amplia experiencia en corrección de estilo y generación de contenidos de valor para el sector especializado - [email protected]

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