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LG: AI optimizes comfort and energy use for air conditioning

IA para sistemas HVAC

International. LG invited to optimize comfort and energy use with air conditioners based on Artificial Intelligence (AI).

According to the company, "we live in a world we have never experienced before with a warming planet, a depletion of carbon-based energy and an increase in greenhouse gases, a hyper-connected society based on the Internet and intelligent machines based on AI (artificial intelligence) and big data technologies."

But it also points out that that same AI and machine learning are reshaping our world and our lifestyles for the better. In such a way that LG translates this, in the world of HVAC, to learn how it is affecting industry professionals and improving the lives of its customers.

The future of AI
Currently, AI is being implemented in various fields as a "technology that embodies human intellectual abilities, such as thinking and learning through computers." The core technology of AI can be identified as the learning capability of the device.

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While humans learned to use devices and machines in the past, the introduction of AI is ushering in an era where machines are learning about people. With AI learning functionality, devices can interpret their environment and analyze and determine ideal conditions to provide optimal energy consumption and living environments.

AI for HVAC Control
Modern people spend more than 90 percent of their days indoors. Air conditioning manages temperature, humidity, airflow, air distribution, floating dust, odors, bacteria and concentrations of hazardous gases in the spaces we occupy.

Consequently, an AI-based air conditioner has sensors that help deliver clear airflow to indoor environments while handling comfortable temperatures and humidity levels.

The operation of the air conditioner can be controlled automatically depending on the occupation of a space. We no longer have to worry about turning off the air conditioner at home when we go out. Thanks to the air conditioner's ability to detect motion by itself, it can be turned off when no motion is detected.

In addition, a smartphone can be used to monitor or control the operation of the air conditioner. Since uptime and energy consumption can be monitored, we no longer have to worry about our energy bills, as excessive energy consumption can be avoided by setting the target values in advance.

Advancing HVAC Service Through AI
In large-scale buildings, cloud-based operating systems can identify operating errors early for more effective system maintenance. If the air conditioner breaks down, system administrators and users can be notified of the problem through sensors and alarms.

The system administrator can then analyze the system error and notify the maintenance engineer. The maintenance manager can now understand the problem and prepare the necessary tools, components, and materials before shipping them. This service helps in delivering fast and accurate maintenance.

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In addition, the use of a comprehensive database, operations management and access to system maintenance history promotes faster response times and avoids additional energy consumption throughout the maintenance process.

Finally, LG concluded that "as AI systems continue to develop, they will become an integral part of our world and improve the energy efficiency of many of the systems we use on a daily basis."

Iris Montoya Ricaurte
Author: Iris Montoya Ricaurte
Periodista con amplia experiencia en corrección de estilo y generación de contenidos de valor para el sector especializado - [email protected]

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