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MultiFRIO celebrates 25 years of experience in the HVAC industry

MultiFrio 25 años

Costa Rica. MultiFRIO celebrates its 25th anniversary this year. The company has more than 28,000 successful projects with a high technical capacity, engineering, maintenance and air quality monitoring and remote control services.

It was recently distinguished by ACR Latin America as the #1 company in Central America and the Caribbean, being able to handle more than 200 projects simultaneously and hundreds of other maintenance contracts. This long list lists contracts in the areas of food industry, hospitality, free zones, production of medical devices and pharmaceuticals, laboratories, hospitals, offices, shopping centers, housing and many others.

The company is located in Atenas de Alajuela, but its provision of services is easily given remotely, by implementing technology and software that allows the monitoring of projects. At the same time, it gives clients the ability to have direct control from anywhere in the world for any project, regardless of its size, capacity or location.

The sustained evolution has been due to the application of VRF technology, which Multifrío began to implement 20 years ago. "All these innovations allow the customer to have visibility of their equipment, and thus increase confidence in electrical efficiency and air quality just by connecting from a phone or a computer," says Salo Ponchner, CEO of Multifrío.

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Fresh and safe air
In times of pandemic, one of the company's main challenges was to demonstrate that the services it had already been providing ensured access to high-quality fresh air in enclosed spaces. It is possible through the use of the most modern ventilation equipment, high-efficiency filtration systems, plus the use of ultraviolet lights to eliminate pathogens.

"We want people to be able to enter their workplaces calmly. Since before this began, we have been developing technical services to measure air quality in spaces with hospital-grade high-efficiency filters combined with constant maintenance and permanent monitoring with instruments," explains Ponchner.

In recent times, some of the most outstanding projects that the company has designed, executed and managed include the LBC tower, the tallest in Costa Rica, with apartments, a hotel, offices, restaurants, commercial premises among others. The entire project was done with a highly sophisticated intelligent control system.

For its part, in Forum 1, they replaced the air conditioning equipment in five buildings without affecting the occupation, also providing the electrical installation, civil works, control systems and the injection of fresh air, while in the free zone La Ceiba, in Orotina, intervened in the clean room of Electroplast, whose production will be destined to large multinationals.

Sustainability and profitability
Within the vision of Multifrío, attention to environmental impact has always been present. As one of these pillars, it offers facilities and financial support so that its clients can have access to green funds when developing their projects.

In addition, the company has the EcoChange Environmentally Friendly program. It is an initiative implemented six years ago that involves the renovation of the installed equipment. In this way it prevents them from being maintained with technologically obsolete air conditioners.

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Timely change allows for greater efficiency, as modern refrigerants do not affect the ozone layer or contribute to the greenhouse effect.

Internally the company is also in a shift towards Carbon Positive, as its facilities run almost 100% on solar energy, while they are doing tests to switch the vehicle fleet to renewable sources.

For the immediate future, the company continues to move forward to meet the increasingly sophisticated demand, with technological tools and new brands. "We remain in constant renewal to provide services at the height of current projects and needs, where we can do all parts of a process, taking the burden off the client; they are dedicated to their business and we assure them of comfort, air quality, electrical efficiency and equipment in proper operation, according to their needs, "says Ponchner.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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