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Frascold boosts its test laboratory for R290 and CO2 compressors

Frascold plantaInternational. Frascold announced the potentiation of its test laboratory for R290 and CO2 compressors in order to introduce a propane test bench that exclusively uses ATEX components, the renewal of the calorimeter and the CO2 resistance system.

Conditioning and cooling are set to play a key role in the fight against climate change: with rising temperatures and population, the number of CVAC&R systems is, in fact, destined to grow exponentially. In particular, the demands for conditioning solutions in the public and residential sector will increase, as certified by recent studies according to which the volume of the CVAC market will reach 151 million units in 2024.

"With the aim of reducing the carbon footprint of the entire sector and responding to strict European and global regulations, which require a drastic reduction in HCFs, industry players are driving the development of systems that use low-GWP refrigerants." Declares Marco Perri, R&D and Technical Support Manager of Frascold – leading player in the development, production and commercialization of semi-hermetic compressors at the service of the refrigeration and air conditioning industry – who continues "Frascold is among the promoters of this change and, in this sense, is investing in R&D and its laboratory in order to launch new generations of compressors and test existing ones, with alternative refrigerants, natural or HFO, capable of meeting the demand for sustainable, safe and yielding solutions".

A laboratory among the most advanced of its kind
The strategic investment plan foresees new test benches within the state-of-the-art laboratory, located in the production center in the province of Milan. Specifically, a test bench for propane was installed, the calorimeter and the CO2 resistance system were renewed. Facilities that are added to the numerous test benches already present and that, together, make the test room a true pole of excellence. Thanks to the experience of the group of highly qualified Frascold Technicians, maximum quality and reliability are guaranteed, both for the verification of existing products and for new families.

- Publicidad -

Resistance/calorimeter for propane, in the name of safety
The main novelty of the test room is the resistance/calorimeter for propane compressors, which allows to test various performance parameters and check the effectiveness and efficiency of new components of the prototype. An installation in the name of staff safety, thanks to the numerous provisions adopted, such as positioning on the outside of the building and the use of only ATEX components. An additional plus is the possibility of testing, with a single system, a very extensive range of semi-hermetic compressor sizes, from 30 to 300 m3/h, corresponding to cooling capacities up to 300kW, as well as other elements, such as the regulator and the flowstat for ATEX compressors.

Co2 test bench: high-level performance controls
Also noteworthy is the calorimeter for performance testing of CO2 compressors, in compliance with the two reference regulations: UNI EN 12900:2013, which specifies the test conditions, tolerances and method of data presentation, and UNI EN 13771-1:2017, which refers in detail to the methodology with which performance tests must be carried out on compressors in terms of cooling capacity, absorbed power, coolant mass capacity, isentropic performance and efficiency.

Finally, Frascold has boosted its CO2 Resistance system, to perform life and duration tests of compressors under voltage, to replicate the real operating conditions in the field and thus guarantee the maximum reliability of the entire range of transcritical compressors.

Marco Perri concludes: "Frascold focuses on continuous innovation as a strategic lever to grow and remain competitive on the global stage, contributing to a more sustainable economic system. An evolution nourished, on the one hand, by important collaborations with prestigious universities, aimed at promoting pollution and the exchange of knowledge and, on the other, by the attention paid to research and development issues. In this sense, investing today in our testing and R&D laboratory means guaranteeing our Customers the best technologies for tomorrow. In fact, Frascold is already prepared to support OEM and End User in exploring the trends that will guide the future, such as the use of transcritical CO2 also in the industrial field and propane for heat pump applications. The recent investment is a clear confirmation of our commitment to transform each solution into real added value, in favor of reliability, safety and reduction of consumption."

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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