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Trane celebrates 30 years of presence in Mexico

Trane 30 añosMexico. Trane is celebrating its 30th anniversary of operations in Mexico these days. The company started there in 1991 and today continues to bet on continuing to increase its participation in this country.

Trane has maintained confidence in the Mexican market by continuing with its commercial offer aimed at the home, as well as air conditioning and heating systems for sectors such as Hospitality, Health, Commercial and Corporate Buildings, Manufacturing, as well as data centers, among many others; spaces that, with the new dynamics, require adequate cooling systems.

The link between urbanization, the increasingly necessary attention to the environment, and the current dynamics of work and study at home, or the operation of buildings remotely, have put the air conditioning industry (HVAC) as a market of great value in the dynamics of daily life. Given this panorama, Carlos García, CEO of Trane Mexico, mentions that "the growth of the market is being driven by the growing demand for constructions aimed at greater energy efficiency, as well as a clear trend towards comfort in indoor environments, in which indoor air quality, due to the pandemic, has resumed the importance that we have always promoted as a critical element in both commercial and residential spaces".

Carlos García adds that "managing buildings in a pandemic-focused world is not an easy task. Considerations about occupancy levels, airflow sanitization, and energy use are just a few of the immediate areas that building owners and managers are putting their efforts into. Smart buildings and supporting elements, such as sensors and wireless technology, are enabling owners and users to manage, monitor and control their heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, lighting, security, among others; from any mobile device to maximize energy efficiency. This practice that already occurs in the administration and operation of real estate in Mexico, in Trane we are prepared to make it a reality in a sustainable way".

- Publicidad -

Trane currently has more than 1,200 employees in Mexico, as well as two compressor and package equipment manufacturing plants in Apodaca, Nuevo León; three distribution centers, 6 sales offices located in Mexico City, Monterrey, Cancun, Guadalajara, Tijuana and Mexicali, as well as 18 regional service offices and 8 "Servipartes" parts centers.

In addition, Trane has opted for a sustainable and responsible business, working to create a better planet for all, by reducing a gigaton of carbon emissions (CO2E) from the footprint of its customers in 2030, through the Gigaton challenge. In its procedures, it is focused on achieving a carbon neutral operation, achieving gender parity in leadership roles and continuing to evolve to offer the best experience to its customers.

Carlos García comments: "Today we are leaders in the industry in sustainability practices, seeking the balance of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, focusing our strategy on the automation of systems that allow a reduction in energy consumption, as well as the use of more environmentally friendly refrigerants, both for residential customers and for commercial and industrial buildings."

Thanks to the support and trust of its customers, Trane celebrates 30 years in Mexico, being the spearhead and benchmark in the air conditioning market, offering energy-efficient systems, responsible with the environment and with a high performance for life, in addition to having a wide range of technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, IoT, Data Analytics, trends that are having an impact on different industries.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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